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Then in the dark of the night Sir James Tyrrell took with him two men rough, odious men, called Dighton and Probyn, who would have killed anyone for money. One was a gaoler at the Tower, and the other was Tyrrell's own groom, and the three crept up the dark winding stair to the room the boys were sleeping in.

"Won't you state your business?" the contractor asked. "I expect you and the Cartner people didn't like it when we got the telegraph job?" "That is so. We thought the job was ours," Martin admitted. "And you got to work to take it from us?" "How do you mean?" "To begin with, Probyn, Cartner's man, offered us a thousand dollars to quit." "A pretty good price," said Martin.

One day I happened to meet Lady Probyn at a garden-party; it was at the same house on Campden Hill where I had once met Freda, and perhaps it was the recollection of this which prompted me to enquire after her. "She has not been well," said Lady Probyn, "and they are sending her back to England; the climate doesn't suit her. She is to make her home with us for the present, so I am the gainer.

On their side the Guides look on him, along with Lumsden and Jenkins and other old heroes, as one of their own sahibs. Later the Right Honourable Sir Dighton Probyn, V.C., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.V.O., P.C., etc. etc., Keeper of the Privy Purse. The element of secrecy is absolutely essential to a successful surprise.

The Descent of Man took me three years to write, but then, as usual, some of this time was lost by ill-health and some was consumed by preparing new editions and other minor works. A second and largely corrected edition of the Descent appeared in 1874. THE KINGDOM OF ITALY ESTABLISHED, Giuseppe Garibaldi and John Webb Probyn

It is perhaps the memory of those old days of dangers and troubles passed through together, that keeps alive the kindly feeling which leads Sir Dighton Probyn to write a few words of brave encouragement when his old comrades of the Guides take their share of such fighting as still, from time to time, falls to their lot.

Such a man was Probyn, who dwelt on one of the low atolls of the Ellice Islands. He had landed there one day from a Sydney sperm whaler with a chest of clothes, a musket or two, and a tierce of twist tobacco; with him came a savage-eyed, fierce-looking native wife, over whose bared shoulders and bosom fell long waves of black hair; with her was a child about five years old.

I don't think I could have stood for it if they were not. One allowed he hoped Probyn would keep the cook we lost. The others were enthusiastic." Carrie blushed. "I'm glad. I was tired when things went wrong last night." "The trouble is, you can't go on. It's one thing to superintend, and cook a meal now and then, but quite another to cook all the time." "But this is what I want to do."

She declared that she daily expected to see Eustace walk into the room, and she looked round for him whenever the door was opened. The door did open at last to let in tidings from the Hague, but not brought by Eustace. It was Mr. Probyn, one of the King's gentlemen, however, who told me he had been charged to put into my hands the following letter from His Majesty himself:

Mr. probyn did not conceal from us that the learned Dutch physician, Doctor Dirkius, though his condition very serious, and that only great care could save his life. Of course I made up my mind at once to set forth and travel as quickly as I could the King had kindly secured my permission and to take Tryphena with me, as she knew better than any one what to do for Eustace.