United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

How do I know that I'm not being fooled by Nature and fooling you with fine words?" She hesitated, probing deep into her heart, and brought out now, like a great and unexpected treasure, "But, Neale, listen! I don't think that about you! I don't believe you're being fooled. Why, I believe in you more than in myself!" She was amazed at this and radiant.

But in their tent, alone together, she suddenly made the epigrammatic remark, "Dangerous, very dangerous indeed; like most bears. Mind you don't get badly clawed, Meryl!..." and then with her usual lightness ran off into another subject. With the coming of the dark, velvety southern night, resplendent with brilliant southern stars, it would seem the time for probing was at hand.

Now, both these things were very simple maneuvers, but The Corner noted that his change of face had enabled Donnegan to bring the crowd under his eye, and that his right hand was now ready for a more serious bit of work if need be. Moreover, he was probing faces with his glance. And every armed man in that group felt that the eye of the rider was directed particularly toward him.

So long as a man is probing Nature, and in the thick of its causes and operations, he is too busy about his own inquiries to receive this impress from her; but place the picture before him, and he becomes conscious of a veil and curtain which has the secrets of a moral existence behind it, interest is inspired, curiosity is awakened, and worship is raised.

Then came Rischenheim's voice again. "Where's the bag he carried? It may be in the bag." "You fool, he'll have it about him," said Rupert, scornfully. "Hold him fast while I search." On either side my hands were still pinned fast. Rupert's left hand did not leave my throat, but his free right hand began to dart about me, feeling, probing, and rummaging.

But the cool, probing eyes were turned on himself now, mocking, cruel, relentless. "Not hungry for meat," the furnace-tender said at last. "What then? Whiskey?" jeered Kirby, with a coarse laugh. Wolfe was silent a moment, thinking. "I dunno," he said, with a bewildered look. "It mebbe. Summat to make her live, I think, like you. Whiskey ull do it, in a way." The young man laughed again.

Conseil and Land spent the long hours with me. Conseil had told his friend about the wonders of our undersea stroll, and the Canadian was sorry he hadn't gone along. But I hoped an opportunity would arise for a visit to the forests of Oceania. Almost every day the panels in the lounge were open for some hours, and our eyes never tired of probing the mysteries of the underwater world.

Then, done with this keen examination, they went with curious eagerness to the more distant landscape. He passed through the storm-broken trees and to the far rim of the flat, where he stood a long time staring frowningly at one after another of the spires and ridges lifted against the sky, probing into the mystery of the night still slumbering in the ravines.

Joe saw he had touched a tender spot, and strove to ease the way out of it again. "Then the home you did have." He did not dream that there were lads in the world who never had known homes, or that he had only succeeded in probing deeper. "Never had none." "Oh!" His interest was aroused, and he now threw solicitude to the winds. "Any sisters?" "Nope." "Mother?"

You ought also to be willing to forgive what you consider the same in us. But as we differ with you in the fundamental doctrines of the Christian religion, an ecclesiastical union is impracticable until the one or the other party be clearly refuted and convinced. We remain yours, respectfully, Daniel Moser. David Henkel." Probing Orthodoxy of Pennsylvania Synod.