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Comin' into Basswood Junction he turns to his Honorable Secretary, and says he, 'Jimmy, what's this? Jimmy turns to his card cabinet, and says he: 'Prexie, this is Basswood Junction. Three railroads come in here and get away as soon as they can. Four overall factories and a reaper plant. Population six thousand, and increasin' satisfactory. Hon.

"Ha! an interloper!" "Hist! ye false intruder!" "Seize him! To the shambles!" "To the guillotine! Ho, brothers! pursue!" That made Robbie Belle flee so fast that she was able to take refuge behind Prexie himself while the vengeful furies withdrew to a respectful distance. That night when she was shaking her pillow back into its case Robbie noticed some damp spots amid its creases.

I ought to leave them undone, you know. And Prexie says that most miseries in life come from that attitude of I-do-it-because-I-want-to-do-it-and- I-don't-do-it-because-I-don't-want-to-do-it. And now Agnes won't have thirty dollars to send home for Christmas. And it is all my " "Hush!" said Agnes, "hush, now, dear! That'll be all right. It was my fault anyhow.

Gertrude felt herself freed from the encircling arms. She moistened her lips. "I am sorry, Sara, about the other night. I am sorry." The pale little face upturned toward hers began to glow as if touched with sunshine. "I was late because Prexie kept me. I should have explained, but but it hurt. I knew you were sorry."

She could take baby Berta to the seashore with her. She had won. The girls would get tired of congratulating her. Hark! Prexie had gone on speaking. "Accordingly," he was saying as Berta braced herself once more to attention, "I am sure you will agree with me that the faculty acted justly and wisely this afternoon in electing Miss Roberta Abbott to hold the European Fellowship this coming year."

Berta is the brightest girl in the class and she can argue about everything, and let the other person choose her side of the question first too. It was not until later that she reformed from that tendency to juggle with her intellect, as Prexie calls it. Well, Lila and I marched down the long dining-room, past the seniors and the faculty table, with our glasses held up in plain sight.

You do not understand, for your scholarship is certain through the course, while mine depends on what Prexie thinks I am worth. I am under the eye of the faculty. Don't talk about next year. I am pretending that this is the last time I shall be here in October, then in November, then in December.

The trouble, you see, sweetheart, lies in my character. I misdoubt me that Prexie will spurn my plea if he hears how often we have a meeting of the fudge club at a tax of two cents per head. Let's save up that two cents for the Opera fund." Robbie Belle drew a deep sigh.

After it was over, after the class had filed upon the platform to receive their diplomas, after Prexie had delivered his annual address and the procession of graduates, alumnæ and faculty had marched out into the golden sunshine, Bea drew aside to wait under an elm. Berta spied her and beckoned, then came hurrying.

Rooms were engaged at Beck Hall, and the young men began their inspection of the classic city on the Charles. "This city is on the square," remarked Tom. "Lafayette, Central, Putnam, Harvard, Brattle, and some more on the East side I suppose." "The college is on the square too," said Quincy, "as long as Dr. Eliot is Prexie."