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We have nothing of this kind to say against Demosthenes, as one who would turn aside or prevaricate, either in word or deed. There could not have been less variation in his public acts if they had all been played, so to say, from first to last, from the same score.

He quickly conquered the human sentiment which prompted him to prevaricate, and replied: "Yes, caro, I think the hour is come." "What time is it?" "Half-past five." "Do you think it will be at seven? At eight?" "No, not so soon, but I want you to have this consolation at once." In a small sitting-room at the villa, Giovanni Selva, after consulting his watch, said to his wife, "Go, now."

There was a general expression of interest and curiosity when the baron stepped forward, attired in his magnificent coat, trimmed with fur, and tendered his evidence to the coroner, which, of course, was precisely the same as the statement he had made to the landlord of the house; for, as he had made up such a well connected story, he was not likely to prevaricate or to depart from it in the smallest particular.

"Could you go in and persuade your sister to come out?" "On what grounds?" said Margaret, suddenly looking him straight in the eyes. Thinking it professional to prevaricate, he murmured something about a nervous breakdown. "I beg your pardon, but it is nothing of the sort. You are not qualified to attend my sister, Mr. Mansbridge. If we require your services, we will let you know."

It amused him to hear the ethical and emotional platitudes of lawyers, to see how readily they would lie, steal, prevaricate, misrepresent in almost any cause and for any purpose. Great lawyers were merely great unscrupulous subtleties, like himself, sitting back in dark, close-woven lairs like spiders and awaiting the approach of unwary human flies.

He did not quibble, or prevaricate; he just bluntly and simply declared that he would tell nothing more than he had told already. "I said to the young 'un," concluded Mat, "when we first come together, 'I haven't heard the sound of my own name for better than twenty year past; and I don't care if I never hear it again. That's what I said to him. That's what I say to you.

How comes it that each of your compositions for the Poetry Prize commences with the same four lines? The three poets looked at one another in speechless astonishment. 'Here, he resumed, 'are the three papers. Compare them. Now, after the inspection was over what explanation have you to offer? Smith, are these your lines? 'I er ah wrote them, sir. 'Don't prevaricate, Smith.

It seems he visited the poor man in prison, and if he did not prevaricate at his death, made him some promises of softening at least, if not of dropping the prosecution, which, as Smith asserted, prevented his making such a preparation for his defence as otherwise he might have done; which proved of very fatal consequence to him, since on the evidence of the prosecutor he was convicted of the robbery and condemned.

Hastily I was hidden in a small conservatory adjutting from the first floor landing, where, crouching behind flower-pots, I listened in fear and trembling to the severe cross-examination of the O'Kelly. "William, do not prevaricate. It was not a hymn." "Me dear, so much depends upon the time. Let me give ye an example of what I mean."

"I can't say, sir." "And now look at the other." And she again looked down for a moment. "Did you write that?" "I can't say, sir." "Will you swear that you wrote either?" "I did write one once." "Don't prevaricate with me, woman. Were either of those signatures there written by you?" "I suppose that one was." "Will you swear that you wrote either the one or the other?"