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If Light be in itself good " At this point he is somewhat excusably knocked down. All the people make a rush for the lamp-post, the lamp-post is down in ten minutes, and they go about congratulating each other on their unmediaeval practicality. But as things go on they do not work out so easily.

I remembered that there had seemed to be a way down the cliffs. I resolved to visit the sloop again. The terrible practicality of the beautiful youth made it difficult to indulge in romantic musings in his presence. And to me a derelict brings a keener tang of romance than any other relic of man's multitudinous and futile strivings.

In his intense practicality he lacks something of the spiritual inspiration which Armstrong had and gave. But his teaching is in no wise narrow or selfish, for always it is animated by the spirit of brotherhood and service. His personal story, Up from Slavery, is one of the most moving of human documents; in itself it is an answer to all pessimism.

"You're very practical, Sir John." "High praise again!" "Perhaps hardly meant again!" "I'm sure Lady Eynesford teaches her household the value of practicality." "Well, Mary is practical; and I suppose Dick must be called so now Miss Granger's an excellent match. Oh, I suppose we all pass muster pretty well, except Alicia." "Miss Derosne is a visionary?" "A little bit of one, I often tell her."

The dogmatic character of Marxian Communism finds support in the supposed philosophic basis of the doctrine; it has the fixed certainty of Catholic theology, not the changing fluidity and sceptical practicality of modern science. Treated as a practical approximation, not as an exact metaphysical law, the materialistic conception of history has a very large measure of truth.

Something in his gaze rather perhaps the apparent absence of anything in it approximate to the present occasion was beginning to affect Harkutt with a vague uneasiness. Providentially a resumed onslaught of wind and rain against the panes effected a diversion. "Come," he said, with brisk practicality, "you'd better hurry on to Rawlett's before it gets worse.

"I know by these pictures, Miss Bernard," said Dawn, "that your life is full of practicality." "You surprise me, for every stranger thinks that I do nothing else." "If nothing else, you would not do this, or anything of a fanciful nature." "I see you have had some experience, for very few entertain that sentiment."

Neither in the world of politics nor that of literature, then, has the rejection of general theories proved a success. It may be that there have been many moonstruck and misleading ideals that have from time to time perplexed mankind. But assuredly there has been no ideal in practice so moonstruck and misleading as the ideal of practicality.

One goes on saying, "What does a pound or two matter?" but it begins at length to matter a great deal. 'I know, confound it all! Think how it would amuse some rich grocer's son who pitches his half-sovereign to the waiter when he has dined himself into good humour! But I tell you what it is: you must really try to influence him towards practicality. Don't you think ?

But even the new majority will not change everything of course. Grass will grow, water will run down hill, smart men will lead fools, wise men will have the places of honour and power, in proportion to the practicality of their wisdom. But for all that, we shall have in a rather large and certainly in a keenly interesting degree a new heaven and a new earth.