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"That reminds me," exclaimed Algernon. "We have had gifts to-day. I saved them to tell you when you should all be listening, for they came to us through our honorary members, the Wide-Awakes." "Hear!" "Hear!" shouted Max, but Polly rapped the meeting to order. Alice and Hannah and Catherine and Frieda looked puzzled, and the others interested, as Algernon went on. "Mr.

Couldn't there be a buried treasure in New Mexico?" "Well, I suppose there could if there's been a fool to bury it; but it seems to me I'd of tried something snappier if I'd been him. An oil well, or shares in a gold mine, or somethin' first class in the bunk line." Polly and Matt continued their walk in silence until they reached the dining-room.

And presently, they hardly knew how, the two found themselves at old Mr. King's door. There was a sound of voices within. "Oh, dear me!" exclaimed Polly, "I forgot Mamsie was here." Jasper looked his surprise, but said nothing, and as they stood there irresolutely, Mrs. Fisher opened the door and came out. "Why, Polly!" she exclaimed. "Oh, Mrs.

His fort had been shut up since May, they were out of powder and lead, and somebody had to come. How did he come? As the wolf lopes, nay, as the crow flies over crag and ford, Cumberland, Clinch, and all, forty miles a day for five days, and never saw a trace for the war parties were watching the Wilderness Road." And he swung again towards Polly Ann.

"'Entreat me not to leave thee," he read, "'or to return from following after thee, for whither thou goest I will go, and where thou lodgest I will lodge. Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God." He stopped to ponder over the poetry of the lines. "Kind o' pretty, ain't it?" Polly said softly. She felt awkward and constrained and a little overawed.

But fever came soon, and in long days of unconscious murmurings and tossings, all that was left of Polly's thin little frame wasted away. "It is a hopeless case," the doctor said, "though after all with children you can never tell." There came a day when Polly opened her eyes, quite conscious, and looked up once more at the nurse with the old appeal. "I want Orlando. Where's Orlando?"

"I do not understand you," said Polly. "Now, we heard of the shot and iron how you came by them and how, one night, you threw them into the river at Hillsborough. That led, perhaps, to most of your trouble. I'd like to know what moral law you were breaking when you flung them into the river?" "A great law," Trove answered; "but one hard to phrase." "Suppose you try."

"Oh," said little David, quite relieved. And when Ben came home in the early dawn Mamsie and the rest of the bunch of the little Peppers sitting up for him, for Phronsie wouldn't go to bed, so Polly held her in her arms they found this was just the case. "And they've caught the tramp who was smoking the pipe," cried Ben, excitedly, "but that won't save the barn, and the horse and "

Allen, in which the girls began show symptoms of joining. Polly sought to soothe the trouble by pushing Jack playfully to one side, and saying: "Oh, stop it all. Look here, Echo Allen, you know your hair ain't fixed yet." "An' the minister due here at any minute," added Mrs. Allen. "Come along, we will take charge of you now," ordered Polly.

"Are you going to stay long?" asked Miss Polly. "Until September," answered Dan. "Oh, that's fine!" said his small companion, happily. "Then I'll get dad to bring me down here to see you again, Dan; and you can come up in your boat to see me, and we'll be friends, real true friends.