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I know a nice place; often get dinner there when I'm out." The girl did not feel wholly at ease. She had not yet been able to get sight of Pinky's closely-veiled features, and there was something in her voice that made her feel uncomfortable. "I don't care for any dinner," she said; "I'm not hungry." "Well, I am, then, so come. Do you like oysters?" "Yes." "Cook them splendidly.

"Medieval! Mad! It has got to be stopped. Slavery!" After which she went downstairs and picked golden glow for the living-room vases and scarlet salvia for the bowl in the dining-room. Still, as one saw Mrs. Brewster's tired droop at supper that night, there is no denying that there seemed some justification for Pinky's volcanic remarks.

Pinky's name is James, but Jill and I always called him Pinky because we couldn't bear him. He took to calling at Owlwood and one evening he took Aunt Tommy out driving. Then Jill came to me. "Something has got to be done," she said resolutely. "I am not going to have Pinky Carewe for an Uncle Tommy and that is all there is about it.

Pinky's arm were around her mother's neck and for one awful moment it looked as if both were to be decapitated by the trunk lid, so violent had been Mrs. Brewster's start of surprise. Incoherent little cries, and sentences unfinished. "Pinky! Why my baby! We didn't get your telegram. Did you " "No; I didn't. I just thought I Don't look so dazed, mummy You're all smudged too what in the world!"

"What's the matter with your little boy?" asked a sympathetic, motherly woman who had noticed the child's distress. "Cross, that's all." Pinky threw out the sentence in at snappish, mind-your-own-business tone. The motherly woman, who had leaned forward, a look of kindly interest on her face, drew back, chilled by this repulse, but kept her eyes upon the child, greatly to Pinky's annoyance.

"You know perfectly well that Wetzler practically runs the whole thing or could, if you'd let him." Youth is cruel like that, when it wants its way. He did not even deny it. He seemed suddenly old. Pinky's heart smote her a little. "It's just that you've got so used to this great barracks you don't know how unhappy it's making you. Why, mother said to-day that she hated it.

To that feeling she had long been a stranger. "I want you to keep him for a few days," said Pinky, speaking in the woman's ears. "I'll tell you more about it after he's in bed and asleep." "He's to be kept shut up out of sight, mind," was Pinky's injunction, in the conference that followed. "Not a living soul in the neighborhood must know he's in the house, for the police will be sharp after him.

"What do you expect to do with the child after you steal it?" asked Pinky's friend. "I don't intend to nurse it or have it about me." "What then?" "Board if with some one who doesn't get drunk or buy policies." "You'll hunt for a long time." "Maybe, but I'll try. Anyhow, it can't be worse off than it is now. What I'm afraid of is that it will be out of its misery before we can get hold of it.

There was just a little space left. If Fatty could squeeze his plump fingers in between Dicky's and the top he would win, and he could have first choice of the best players for his side. But his fingers were much too fat. "Your pinky's over," said Dicky, and Reddy Toms picked up a flat stone and scraped it over the top of the bat, and Fatty howled and let go.

Once you had the code key they translated themselves simply enough into such homely items as Hosey's fishing tackle, canvas curtains for Ted's sleeping porch, slip-covers for Pinky's room, black net dress, sun-parlour valence. The contents of those boxes formed a commentary on normal American household life as lived by Mr. and Mrs. Hosea C. Brewster, of Winnebago, Wisconsin.