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Her cool eyes examined the horse, and him. "I don't quite see how you expect to arrange it, Mr. Neill. That is your name, isn't it?" she added indifferently. "That's my name Larry Neill. Easiest thing in the world to arrange. We ride pillion if it suits you; if not, I'll walk." "Neither plan suits me," she announced curtly, her gaze on the far-away hills.

Stewart swung himself into the saddle, and Daisy stepped out to mount behind him. She wore her own garments once more, but there was just a trace of powder on the hair under the hood, and the patch was still on her chin. I moved forward to lift her to the pillion as I had done hundreds of times before, but she did not see me.

It was in the centenarian's vividly coloured reminiscences De La Cuesta, holding his grant from the Spanish crown, with his power of life and death; the romance of his marriage; the white horse with its pillion of red leather and silver bridle mountings; the bull-fights in the Plaza; the gifts of gold dust, and horses and tallow.

At the end of that time, having purchased a stout horse, and a sword to defend himself against any robbers he might meet with on the way, Roger started to ride down to Plymouth, with Amenche behind him on a pillion. Six days after leaving London they entered the town, and Roger, having seen Amenche comfortably bestowed at the principal inn, took his way to the house of Master Diggory Beggs.

And he led her off on his arm. "The old year and the new, gentlemen!" he cried merrily, as he passed the door, with Dolly's mammy and Nester simpering with pride on the landing. The company arrived in coach and saddle, many having come so far that they were to stay the night. Young Mr. Beall carried his bride on a pillion behind him, her red riding-cloak flung over her ball dress. Mr.

He was exceedingly vexed to be made to continue his journey thus without intermission; but Lady Basset was already on a pillion behind her squire, and Emeriarde on another behind the groom, a few garments having been hastily squeezed into a saddle-bag carried by the latter.

I could not wait, but set out again, with a pillion which I had carried uselessly in the night strapped again upon the horse for her seat, in case I found her; and leaving word for the Oneida to follow. I had forgotten there was such a person as Abbé Edgeworth, when he led a horse upon the ferry boat. "You ride early as well as late. May I join you?"

So with a taste of sour ale in their mouths man and wife rode forth from Hawick the airt of Peel Fell. Robson's good mare her head turned homeward went forward at a good trot and recked little of her double burden. 'What ails ye? inquired Robson shortly, feeling that his bride was shaking in curious fashion behind him on her pillion.

This was accomplished that very night, as Mistress Putnam had suggested; Deputy Marshall Herrick and a constable guarding the party. Dulcibel occupied a pillion behind jailer Foster; Master English and his wife rode together; while Master Herrick and the constable each had a horse to himself.

He would ride to Dumfries with me on a pillion behind him, one hand tucked into the pocket of his blue coat, while with the other I held the belt about his waist to make sure. I had to walk up the hills, but that took little of the pleasure away. And so think I still. So in time we ran to Dumfries.