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Frumenti et tributorum auctionem aequalitate munerum mollire, circumcisis, quae, in quaestum reperta, ipso tributo gravius tolerabantur: namque per ludibrium assidere clausis horreis et emere ultro frumenta, ac vendere pretio cogebantur: devortia itinerum et longinquitas regionum indicebatur, ut civitates a proximis hibernis in remota et avia referrent, donec, quod omnibus in promptu erat, paucis lucrosum fieret.

"You told me, Mysa," Chebron began, "that they had told you tales that our father was dead, and that it was I who killed Paucis." "Yes; but I did not believe them, Chebron. Of course I did not for a moment at least not for a moment about you.

Thereupon I answered that he himself had violated one of them, but that he had violated it grandly. "Which is that?" "You do not write, 'Contentus paucis lectoribus'." "If Horace had had to combat the hydra-headed monster of superstition, he would have written as I have written for all the world." "It seems to me that you might spare yourself the trouble of combating what you will never destroy."

Amense received them with much honor, presented Mysa to them as the owner of the cat, and herself accompanied the priests in their visit to the home of Mysa's pets. Their report was most favorable. They had, since they left Bubastes, seen no cat approaching Paucis in size and beauty, and although her markings were not precisely correct, they yet approximated very closely to the standard.

Cato bluntly called Socrates a talker and a revolutionist, who was justly put to death as an offender against the faith and the laws of his country; and the opinion, which even Romans addicted to philosophy entertained regarding it, may well be expressed in the words of Ennius: -Philosophari est mihi necesse, at paucis, nam omnino haut placet. Degustandum ex ea, non in eam ingurgitandum censeo.

Penes tamen domitos est totius regni pondus et regimen, quia melius vel minus male quam alii politizant." Bk. i, ch. viii. "Adhuc Scotiae ferme medietas Hibernice loquitur, et a paucis retroactis diebus plures Hibernice loquuti sunt." Bk. i, ch. ix. "Anno 1411, praelium Harlaw apud Scotos famigeratum commissum est.

Work was instantly abandoned, for all knew that Paucis had been chosen to be the sacred cat at Bubastes; but even had it been one of the others, the news that it was missing would have caused a general excitement.

And whereas it might be objected, that in the church of the New Testament there are many babes, and that the Apostle himself speaketh of the Corinthians and Hebrews as babes: it is answered by Pareus, Non de paucis personis, sed de statu totius ecclesiae intelligendum est quod hic dicitur.

Paucis vivat humanum genus: "the many live for the few." This shall be true no longer. The earth belongs to him who can use it and the only force which lasts is that which is used to make men free. "Triumphant America," says George Horace Lorimer, "certainly does not mean each and every one of our seventy-eight millions.

Quo innumerabiles libros et bibliothecas, quarum dominus vix tota vita indices perlegit? Onerat discentem turba, non instruit: multoque satius est paucis te auctoribus tradere, quam errare per multos. Quadraginta millia librorum Alexandræ arserunt: pulcherrimum regiæ opulentiæ monumentum alius laudaverit, sicut et Livius, qui elegantiæ regum curæque egregium id opus ait fuisse.