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He left his seat, took the side path around to the kitchen door, and drew up a chair to the end of the table where she deftly manipulated the sweet-smelling dough, patting it, and pulling it, and turning it about until she was ready to put the shapely balls in the pans, holding them in her two firm little hands with a slight rolling motion as she slipped each loaf in its place.

I kept my temper, scaled the enclosure of the cow-pen, being careful not to make any sudden movement, strolled to the nearest cow, stroked her nose, pulled her ears, walked down her flank, patting her as I went and handled her udder. "What have you to say now?" I called to the gaping yokels. "Try that on another," they shouted back. I did the like with two more. They were dumb.

"Suit yourself, my lad." "Thanky, sir; then I'll walk at your heels, if you don't mind. I'd like to walk at your heels all the rest of my blessed life. Did I carry it off all right, Gov'nor? Did I do it jist as you wanted of it done?" "To a T, my lad," said Cleek, smiling and patting him on the shoulder. "You'll do, Dollops you'll do finely.

It belongs most likely to one of the men. His dinner, I should say, but what an odd place to hide it! So dirty!" She gave a dainty little shake of distaste. "I should put it away, dear, really! It is covered with dust." "It's a very lumpy dinner," said Darsie, patting the surface of the bundle with curious fingers. "I thought perhaps it was a treasure done up in a different way from the others.

It was the close of a cool September day, and a sharp wind whipped the skirt of Pelgram's frock coat around his legs and flecked the blood into the girl's cheeks as she stepped briskly westward, swinging along easily while her rather stout and soft escort, patting the walk with his cane, kept up with some little difficulty.

Barking, leaping, tumbling over each other, they struggled to get close to the old man who stood smiling and patting them, while he said softly, "The best friends a man ever had, Jan." Prince Jan looked at the bunch of dogs, little dogs, big dogs, curs, and dogs of high breeding.

The silence deepened for one moment, and then there was a surge toward the door. Far off, over the prairie, there came a little flat, recurrent sound, or series of sounds, as of one patting his fingers softly together. It fell and rose and grew, coming rapidly nearer, until at length there could be distinguished the cracking and popping of the hoofs of running horses.

"Well, child," said Grandfather, patting Clara’s cheek, "I can tell you a great many stories of my chair. Perhaps your cousin Laurence would like to hear them too. They would teach him something about the history and distinguished people of his country, which he has never read in any of his school-books."

Prosser, but went up earlier to his bed-room, 'where he read a while in his Bible, and said his prayers. I hope the particular relation of this circumstance does not indicate its singularity. He lay awake a good while, it appears; and, as he supposed, about a quarter past twelve he heard the soft palm of a hand patting on the outside of the bed-room door, and then brushed slowly along it.

It was clear from the pains he took with it, by the constant patting and the care bestowed upon its watering and feeding, that its rider was extremely proud of it; and Cuthbert concluded that if an escape was to be made, this was the animal on which he must accomplish it.