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He sent a party of fourteen soldiers, armed with muskets, to the patroon's house, who entered the enclosure, fired a volley, and hauled down the flag of the patroon. He then issued a decree that Beaverswyck, which included the region now occupied by the city of Albany, was independent of the patroon's government, and was brought under the jurisdiction of the colony of fort Amsterdam.

The patroon's great, fat hand sought mine and held it; Ruyven placed his arm about my shoulder. Never had I imagined that I could love these kinsmen of mine so dearly. "There's always a bed for you here; remember that, my lad," growled the patroon. "Take me, too," sniffed Ruyven. "Eh! What?" cried the patroon. "I'll take you; oh yes over my knee, you impudent puppy!

I Go to a Famous Gathering at the Patroon's Manor House. We come to a soft, clear night in the Indian summer-time of 1774 a night not to be forgotten while memory remains to me. There was a grand gathering and ball at the Manor House of the Patroons, and to it I was invited.

"I'm extremely sorry, sir," said this emissary, "that a little accident has occurred at the Miss du Lacs': a leak in the water-tank. It happened yesterday, and Mr. van der Luyden, who heard of it this morning, sent a housemaid up by the early train to get the Patroon's house ready.

The patroon's features glowed; his movements became quicker, and, executing a rapid parry, he lunged with a thrust so stealthy his blade was beaten down only as it touched the soldier's breast. Mauville smiled, but Barnes groaned inwardly, feeling his courage and confidence fast oozing from him. Neither he nor the other spectators doubted the result.

Sunk in my own reflections, lying back in my arm-chair, I watched dreamily the smoke pouring from the patroon's pipe, floating away, to hang wavering across the room, now lifting, now curling downward, as though drawn by a hidden current towards the unwaxed oaken floor. No, there was no Ormond in him; he was all Varick, all Dutch, all patroon.

The soldier, without a moment's hesitation, thrust the pamphlet inside his coat, flung himself on his horse, and, turning from the market-place, dashed down the road. "For a man who can't abide the sex, this is a predicament," muttered the patroon's jackal, as the coach in which he found himself sped rapidly along the highway.

There is an aphorism to the effect that one can not spend and have; also, a saying about the whirlwind, both of which in time came home to the land baron. For several generations the Mauville family, bearing one of the proudest names in Louisiana, had held marked prestige under Spanish and French rule, while extensive plantations indicated the commercial ascendency of the patroon's ancestors.

I remember little of that dinner save that it differed vastly from the quarrelsome carousal at which the Johnsons and Butlers figured in so sinister a rôle, and at which the Glencoe captains disgraced themselves. But now, if the patroon's wine lent new color to the fair faces round me, there was no feverish laughter, nothing of brutal license.

But she's a Peri, at any rate! shy, hard to get acquainted with at first! An actress Miss Carew!" The glass trembled in the patroon's hand. "Do you know her?" he asked unsteadily. Smiling, the visitor returned the cane to his lips and gazed into vacancy, as though communing with agreeable thoughts. "I have met her," he said finally. "Yes; I may say I have met her. Ged!