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Though he was beginning to feel the reaction of all he had gone through, his mind was working clearly, and he was praying praying consciously, in an agony of supplication. And at last, with a sensation of relief which brought the tears starting to his eyes, Dr. Panton saw that his efforts were to be successful; Bubbles, after a little choking gasp, gave a long, fluttering sigh....

Occasionally Miss Panton would push forward mechanically a conversational counter from the little store she kept always by her. Thus when Miss Ethel spoke of the bricks that had arrived on the other side of the privet hedge, Nanty glanced up for a second to remark in her throaty little voice: "It is hard. That lovely garden of yours, Miss Ethel But tibe and tide wait for no ban!"

Panton so last night the wig's my test of your uprightness in this matter, sir; and I fairly tell you, that if you refuse this, all the words you can string don't signify a button with me."

Miss Ethel drew down her mouth but said nothing; and before Laura could make some trivial remark Miss Panton nervously filled in the pause by murmuring: "Quite so. Delays are dadegerous." Then Miss Ethel rose to go, and having recovered herself a little she did manage to say a civil word to Wilson about the weather because after all he was her kinsman, and must be supported here as such.

She is daughter to Mr. Gresham's sick partner; and this partner now, Rosamond, here is coincidence, if not romance, enough to please you this partner is Mr. Panton, the London correspondent of the shipwrecked Dutch merchants, the very Panton and Co. to whom my father lately wrote to recommend Godfrey's friend, young Captain Henry captain no more.

I had never seen the stone itself when I began to write about it, and it was not till one evening last spring, while staying with my nephew, Sir Thomas Acton, that I came within measurable distance of it. A dinner party was impending, and, at my instigation, the Bishop of Northchurch and Miss Panton, his daughter and heiress, were among the invited guests.

He held a candlestick in his hand, and the candle threw up a flickering light on his pallid, alarmed-looking face. "Dr. Panton," he whispered, "I wish you'd come out here a moment." And the doctor, cursing his bad luck, and feeling what he very seldom felt, thoroughly angry, said ungraciously: "What is the matter? Can't you tell me without my getting out of bed?"

The only person who was of the slightest use was young Donnington; and I suspect " he smiled broadly. "What do you suspect?" asked Varick rather quickly. "Well, I suspect that he's in love with Miss Bubbles." "Of course he is." Varick's contemptuous tone jarred a little on Panton. "But Bubbles intends to become Mrs. Tapster." "I should be sorry to think that!" "Why sorry?

As he walked into his bedroom, which was pleasantly warm for there was a good fire, and the curtains across the three windows were closely drawn Dr. Panton told himself that he was indeed beginning the New Year very well.

Varick's tone was not very pleasant, and Panton for a moment regretted he had come; but as he had passed through the hall he had seen the old lady nodding over a book, and he was well aware that had he stayed indoors, it would have been to work up in his own room. Bill Donnington suddenly discovered that Bubbles was wearing absurd, high-heeled, London walking shoes.