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P'rhaps the skipper'll forgive us for what we've done, and persuade the navy gent to fit out a hexpedition to rescue the others. So away we came as fast as we could, but when we got to the boat she was aground, and we had to wait a long time until she floated.

"Well, next mornin', jist at day-break, and sun-rise on them everlastin' hills is tall sun-rise, and no mistake, p'rhaps nothin was ever seen so fine except the first one, since creation. It takes the rag off quite.

I knowed one of the pressmen, and he let me set down in a corner, where I was warm, and I soon got fast asleep." "Why don't you get a room somewhere, and so always have a home to go to?" "I dunno," said Dick. "I never thought of it. P'rhaps I may hire a furnished house on Madison Square." "That's where Flora McFlimsey lived."

Secondly, as a person would say, now there's Miles, lost too, for the ship is sartainly gone down, Neb: otherwise, she would have been seen floating hereabouts, and we may log him as a man lost overboard." "P'rhaps not, Misser Marble," said the negro. "Masser Mile swim like a fish, and he isn't the gentleum to give up as soon as trouble come. P'rhaps he swimming about all dis time."

P'rhaps if I was to say it looked like the mould that that 'are very peak was cast in, afore it was cold and stiff, and sot up on eend, I should come as near the mark as any thing I know on. "Well away she slid, feet and hands out, all flat on her face, right away, arter her pike staff.

I reckon that they'll finish the lot in the course of the next hour or so, and then they'll all turn in and have a good sleep, and be ready to come on deck in time for the first watch. Luckily there ain't no more wind than what we knows what to do with, and not much sign of it freshenin', so far as I can see; so p'rhaps there won't be such a very terrible lot o' harm done a'ter all."

P'rhaps if I was to say it looked like the mould that that 'are very peak was cast in, afore it was cold and stiff, and sot up on eend, I should come as near the mark as any thing I know on. "Well away she slid, feet and hands out, all flat on her face, right away, arter her pike staff.

But it don't signify nothin'; you can't cram all into one, and we hante only broke the crust yet, and p'rhaps it's as well to look afore you leap too, or you might make as big a fool of yourself, as some of the Britishers have a-writin' about us and the provinces. Oh yes, it's a great advantage havin' minister with you.

Could you bear good fortune equally well, if it was to come?" "I hope so. I thankfully and humbly and earnestly hope so!" "Wa'al, my dear," said the captain, "p'rhaps it has come. He's don't be frightened shall I say the word " "Alive?" "Yes!" The thanks they fervently addressed to Heaven were again too much for the captain, who openly took out his handkerchief and dried his eyes.

"If the girls had come to us an' asked what we thought of it, then p'rhaps we'd gone in with 'em; but instead of that they fixed the thing up to suit themselves, an' then told us what they was going to do. Now they can have their party, and Win Curtis will be the only feller there."