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Manlius, with suppressed fury, answered: "Is love a fruit that becomes overripe if it waits long?" Glyceria looked at Manlius in horror. "What is the matter with you that you speak to me of love?" "Did you not summon me that we might whisper together of rapture, bliss, and sweet delights?" "Once your words would have given me pleasure; now horror seizes me when you speak in this way."

"As soon as the breeze blows which shall shake the overripe fruit from the tree. It may be tomorrow, or not yet, according to the long- suffering of the Most High. But the entire collapse of the world in which we have been living is as certain to come as that you are walking here with me!"

I confess to being stirred by this B minor study, with its tempo at a forced draught and with its precipitous close. There is a lushness about the octave melody; the tune may be a little overripe, but it is sweet, sensuous music, and about it hovers the hush of a rich evening in early autumn. And now the "Winter Wind" the study in A minor, op. 25, No. 11.

Now, he was in the pits of despondency, even as one that yieldeth without further struggle to the waves of tempest at midnight, when he was ware of one standing over him, a woman, old, wrinkled, a very crone, with but room for the drawing of a thread between her nose and her chin; she was, as is cited of them who betray the doings of Time, Wrinkled at the rind, and overripe at the core,

Is it only a legend? But the spirit is there; not a boy but dreams of it, not a girl but knots the thought in with her holiday tricolor. That is to have an abiding ideal, and patiently to hold it, in isolation, in defeat, even in an overripe civilization. We believe do we not? in other triumphs than those of the drum and the sword.

Polyandry is getting to be the normal condition of the Church; and about the time a man is becoming a little overripe for the livelier human sentiments, he may be pretty sure the women are looking round to find him a colleague. In this way it was that the Rev. Joseph Bellamy Stoker became the colleague of the Rev. Eliphalet Pemberton.

And yet, by the end, my heart was overripe in my breast, ready to burst with loving affection. I was ready to walk on to the stage, to wipe out the odious, miscreant lover, and to offer her all myself, saying, 'I can see it is real love you want, and you shall have it: I will give it to you. Of course I know the secret of the Gretchen magic; it is all in the 'Save me, Mr Hercules! phrase.

It was all within his orderly scheme of the thing proposed that he, a shrinking coward, should have set his squirrel teeth hard and risked detection twice in that night: once to buy a basket of overripe fruit from a dripping Italian at a sidewalk stand, taking care to get some peaches he just must have a peach, he had explained to her; and once again when he entered a dark little store on Second Avenue, where liquors were sold in their original packages, and bought from a sleepy, stupid clerk two bottles of a cheap domestic champagne "to give us the strength for making a fresh start," he told her glibly, as an excuse for taking this second risk.

On lifting the lid of the desk a faint fragrance escaped the fragrance of new cedarwood pencils or of a bottle of gum or of an overripe apple which might have been left there and forgotten. Mr. Duffy abhorred anything which betokened physical or mental disorder. A mediaeval doctor would have called him saturnine.

Yet thoughts were plentiful, and many memories of past autumns came back to me. How many are the rich, melancholy afternoons of late October or early November, golden afternoons that occur year after year, when one feels one's thoughts parting from the mind easily and plentifully without urging, as overripe fruit falling at last since no one has grasped it before.