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Jerry tossed the short pike pole down onto the shelf and the trainer climbed out to get it. When the elephant saw the pole he immediately began to wade across the quarry hole. "Oh, no, yuh don't, Toby. I'll git yuh, now," shouted the man, as he plunged back into the water and began to swim toward the beast. "Git outa here, yuh brute," he thundered, when he came alongside the huge bulk.

"You'd better slide outa this here," Barchi said threateningly, "or we'll fill you so full of holes you wouldn't float in molasses." The watchmen wisely retreated before so overwhelming a force, and rowed their boat along the channel toward where the shore should be. Besides, it was in the plan for them to retreat.

"What name, long time black fella belong Su'u take 'm heads, kai-kai along long pig?" Ishikola countered. "My word," Van Horn came back, "too much along this place. Bime by, close up, big fella warship stop 'm along Su'u, knock seven balls outa Su'u." "What name him big fella warship stop 'm along Solomons?" Ishikola demanded.

Brit's eyes were terrible. Lorraine shuddered while she told him. "Rabbits in a trap," Brit muttered, staring at the low ceiling. "Can't prove nothing couldn't convict anybody if we could prove it. Bill Warfield's got this county under his thumb. Rabbits in a trap. Raine, you better pack up and go home to your mother. There's goin' to be hell a-poppin' if I live to git outa this bed."

"Seems like the men that came here when there wasn't anything but Injuns and animals, and built up the country outa raw material, ought to have some say now about who's going to reap the harvest," he admitted to Dade. "Don't look so much like gobbling, when you get right down to cases, does it?

You was ridin' a rail outa Bear Cat an' being jounced up considerable." "If he thinks of that " "He'll think of it," Dud cut in cheerfully. "He's gritted his teeth a lot of times over that happenstance, Mr. Houck has. It tastes right bitter in his mouth every time he recollects it. First off, soon as he sees us, he'll figure that his enemies have been delivered into his hand.

Bambye he open his eyes an' deh, across de table, wuz a big black cat a-settin' an' lookin' at him. Lijah, he don' say nothin' an' de cat say nothin', jes' look outa' his big green eyes. Bambye de lamp, it go down an' den it flame up bright, an' Lijah, he look at de cat an' he think it biggah dan befo'. De cat, it riz up and stretch an' it seem powahful big. Lijah, he riz up, too.

Lots of folks go outa their heads and talk crazy when they get a touch of fever, and they get over it again." "Let's have a fair understanding," Warfield insisted. "Do you think I am justified in the course I am taking, or don't you?" "Hunting her up? Sure, I do! If you and Hawkins rode on home, I'd keep on hunting till I located her.

"Prune juice! She'd 'a' made a regular sucker outa you. Good thing I got you away. A big mountain o' blood and bone like you fallin' for a dash o' cake frosting like that little hasher. Hiram, you've got a man's body and a man's brains, and I like you better the more I see of you. If you're goin' to weep over a woman, weep over a regular woman, boy a man's woman. There! Look out the window.

His hands relaxed and fall away from the throat, leaving finger marks there in the flesh. "Git up off'n him!" a new voice commanded harshly, and Casey obeyed. His captor shifted the gun muzzle to the back of Casey's neck and poked the gasping, bearded old man with his toe. "Git up, Paw, you old fool, you! What'd you let 'im light on yuh fer? Why couldn't you a stood back a piece, outa reach?