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"It will be over, alas, before we are near the river. All the people will be coming back through the meadows." "Let us meet them." "Meet a torrent? Let us have tea in my rooms and go down quietly for the other Division." "Let us go straight on." Through the square, across the High, down Grove Street, they passed. The Duke looked up at the tower of Merton, "os oupot authis alla nyn paunstaton."

The 'os uteri' would not admit my finger, although I frequently attempted it. At half-past eleven, the membranes began to protrude; at one the head had descended into the pelvis and the puppy was dead. In a previous labour she had been unable to produce her young, although the ergot of rye had been freely used.

Who, walking on Chester walls in those days, and seeing the Brassica oleracea, where it grows in abundance, would have supposed that from it would spring cabbages as big as drums, and cauliflowers as florid as a bishop's wig? Dov. Or cautiously chaumbering an acrid sloe, imagine it to be the parent of a green gage? Von Os. This is the Education of Vegetables. Dov. The March of Increment!

According to the romance of Zamora, she, Doña Urraca, worried her father's last moments by trying to wheedle more than Zamora out of him; but the king was firm, adding only the following curse: "'Quien os la tomara, hija, ¡La mi maldición le caiga! Todos dicen amén, amén, Sino Don Sancho que calla."

So saying he descended to the deck below, to examine into the situation of my adversary, and left me very little pleased with my victory, as I found myself not only terribly bruised, but likewise in danger of being called to account for the death of Crampley; but this fear vanished when my fellow-mate having, by bleeding him in the jugular, brought him to himself, and inquired into the state of his body, called up to me to be under no concern, for the midshipman had received no other damage than as pretty a luxation of the os humeri as one would desire to see on a summer's day.

We made all sail amidst the "adios" shouted to us by Indian and mulatto sweethearts from the top of the bank, and, tide and wind being favourable, were soon miles away. Our crew consisted, as already mentioned, of twelve persons. One was a young Portuguese from the province of Traz os Montes, a pretty sample of the kind of emigrants which Portugal sends to Brazil.

'My animal spirits always get the better of me, he added confidentially. 'Suppose you devote your animal spirits to my service for half an hour. 'Yours, Countess, from the 'os frontis' to the chine! was the exuberant rejoinder. The Countess made a wry mouth. 'Your curricle is in Beckley? 'Behold! said Jack.

"'Deed on it is, squoire," replied Bess, "ey wur quite glopp'nt at seet on him. Lorjus o' me! whoy, it's scarcely an hour sin he left here, looking os strong an os 'earty os yersel. Boh it's a kazzardly onsartin loife we lead. Here to-day an gone the morrow, as Parson Houlden says. Wall-a-day!"

I do not so much wonder at the fellow who inquired if America was a very large town, as at him who, finding the froth of the Cicada spumaria L. on almost every blade in his garden, wondered where were all the cuckoos that produced it. Dov. They call it cuckoo-spit, from its plentiful appearance about the arrival of that bird. Von Os. That is reasoning from analogy. Dov.

Ye want to get summat out'n me, ey con see that plain enough, an os ye stand there glenting at me wi' your sly little een, ye look loike an owd fox ready to snap up a chicken o' th' furst opportunity." "Your comparison is not very flattering, Jennet," replied Potts; "but I pass it by for the sake of its cleverness. You are a sharp child, Jennet a very sharp child.