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I, cuif-Mentor that I am, wearing out a gude pair o' gude Scots brogues that my sister's husband's third cousin sent me a towmond gane fra Aberdeen, rinning ower the town to a' journals, respectable and ither, anent the sellin o' your 'Autobiography of an Engine-Boiler in the Vauxhall Road, the whilk I ha' disposit o' at the last, to O'Flynn's Weekly Warwhoop; and gin ye ha' ony mair sic trash in your head, you may get your meal whiles out o' the same kist; unless, as I sair misdoubt, ye're praying already, like Eli's bairns, 'to be put into ane o' the priest's offices, that ye may eat a piece o' bread.

"I have got none to spare except those of the poor fellows who were killed and Corporal O'Flynn's, for he will be equal to nothing but spoon-meat for one while." "Oh, the poor settlers, I pity them, and poor Mr. Green, I feel very guilty, for I came here just such a charge on the resources of the fort, myself."

This young man with the big mouth and lazy air had been in the office of a bank ever since he left school, and yet, under pressure, he discovered a natural neat-handedness and a manual dexterity justly envied by some of his fellow-pioneers. His outfit was not more conspicuously meagre than O'Flynn's, yet the Irishman was held to be the moneyed man of his party.

The Colonel at intervals poured small doses of O'Flynn's whisky down the Boy's throat in spite of his unbecoming behaviour, for he was both belligerent and ungrateful, complaining loudly of the ruin of his clothes with only such intermission as the teeth-chattering, swallowing, and rude handling necessitated. "I didn't like bein' in that blow-hole. Blow-hole isn't so s-s-melly as these s-s-kins!

The Prince dropped the sleeve of his coat, and fixed his one eye on his friend. The Boy undid the neck of the sack, thrust in his hand, and brought out a fistfull. Another look at Mac still hard at it, trying to spare O'Flynn's feelings without mincing matters with the Almighty.

"Keep the rest of it to roast, anyhow, or O'Flynn's heart will be broken." So they deprived Kaviak of the gnawed fragment, and consoled him by helping him to put on his new boots. When the Little Cabin contingent came in to breakfast, "Hello! what you got up on the roof?" says Potts. "Foot of earth and three feet o' snow!" "But what's in the bundle!" "Bundle?" echoes the Boy.

My class had claimed my talents as their own another "voice fresh from the heart of nature," another "untutored songster of the wilderness," another "prophet arisen among the suffering millions," when, one day, behold in Mr. O'Flynn's paper a long and fierce attack on me, my poems, my early history!

The chair took effect on the luckless door; and as I threw a flying glance behind me, I saw one leg sticking through the middle panel, in a way that augured ill for my skull, had it been in the way of Mr. O'Flynn's fury. I ran home to Mackaye in a state of intense self-glorification, and told him the whole story. He chuckled, he crowed, he hugged me to his bosom.

Not enough to be fillin', and plenty to give us the scurrvy. May the divil dance on shorrt rations!" "No scurvy in this camp for a while yet," said the Colonel, throwing some heavy objects into a pan and washing them vigorously round and round. "Pitaties!" O'Flynn's eyes dwelt lovingly on the rare food. "Ye've hoarded 'em too long, man, they've sprouted."

"May become unpleasant when the wind shifts," remarked Stuart easily, and without emotion apparently, "but we are spared the duties of punishing deserters according to their deserts." Demeré's face had shown a sudden nervous contraction but resumed its fixed reserved expression, and he said nothing. Corporal O'Flynn's report, however, was not yet exhausted. He hesitated, almost choked.

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