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Updated: January 26, 2025

My captain, though not in the line, was no niggard in the matter of shot, and though he had no real business to come within range until called by signal, still he thought it his duty to be as near to our ships engaged as possible, in order to afford them assistance when required.

The words were like a spark among tinder and others followed. "The niggard is robbing our father Dionysus," cried a second citizen, and a third, flourishing his torch on high, croaked out: "Let us get at the drachmae he grudges the god; we can find a use for them."

Well then, take that and that, and be hung to you for a little muff." Another time it would be, "Hi there, No-thank-you we want sixpence for a pack of cards. Oh, you won't be so sinful as to part with sixpence for cards? Confounded little miser;" "Niggard," said another; "Skinflint," shouted a third.

"Slushy," as the cook was familiarly called, dipped him out a liberal measure of pork and beans, and handed him half a loaf of new-made bread. Jinks was no niggard, and Tresler was always welcome to all he needed. "Goin' to ride?" the youth demanded, as he filled the pannikin with tea. "Why, of course." Tresler had almost forgotten the change of work that had been set out for the day.

One winter day, when from the said dinner-table wife and children had retired, and Oliver sat sipping his half-pint of bad port, and looking over unsatisfactory accounts, a thin terrier, lying on the threadbare rug by the niggard fire, sprang up and barked fiercely. Oliver lifted his dull blue eyes, and saw opposite to him, at the window, a human face.

But the impulse in me was wanting. I could have won, but I did not truly desire to win. I could have given what she asked, but my own heart was a niggard. It was from me more than from her that the restraint came; it was with me to move, and I could not stir. She was lovable, but I did not love her; she had love to give, but I could not ask for it.

If any one calls King Philip a niggard again, I'll knock his teeth down his throat." "Good tidings, good reward!" laughed Moor. "Have you had board and lodging too?" "A bed fit for the Roman Emperor, and as for the rest? I told you, nothing but feasting.

Verily few men are so inclined to virtue as myself, for it requires a keen eye to know even what virtue is. To act the niggard, and force people to lie in the face of God and man, is certainly none. But whoever has the true talent that way is sure to find it.

But he suddenly stopped before the great fish as if astonished at its enormous size, and seemed to view it with admiration and delight. "What a rare and splendid animal is this!" he finally exclaimed with animation. "Really, one must come to Rome to see such a wonder!" "That is understood!" exultingly cried the bystanders, who had a reverence for the fishes of Rome. "This is no niggard!

Do you know what he has in this house? Why, rooms fit for a prince, two servants and four horses. I allow him monthly, fifteen hundred francs, and he goes about calling me a niggard, and has already squandered every bit of his poor mother's fortune." He stopped, and turned pale, for at that moment the door opened, and young Gaston, or rather Peter, slouched into the room.

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