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Allen, whose vacancy of mind and incapacity for thinking were such, that as she never talked a great deal, so she could never be entirely silent; and, therefore, while she sat at her work, if she lost her needle or broke her thread, if she heard a carriage in the street, or saw a speck upon her gown, she must observe it aloud, whether there were anyone at leisure to answer her or not.

He was clapped on the back, until his bones were nearly dislocated in his body; and his hand shaken, until his arm lost its cunning at the needle for half a week afterwards. This, to be sure, was a bitter business a state of being past endurance. Every man was his friend no man was his enemy. A desperate position for any person to find himself in, but doubly calamitous to a martial tailor.

As the clock struck one, a warning gong was heard; everybody jumped up, the work was folded away, and with the obeisance at the door, Gillian and Val ran away. Mysie stayed a little longer, it being her turn to tidy the room; and Lady Merrifield said to Dolores 'I must teach you how to hold your needle tomorrow, my dear. 'I hate work, responded Dolores.

"You don't really have to sew," explained Mr. Pertell. "It is all machine work, anyhow. You and Ruth will sit at the machines in the factory with the other girls. Miss Pennington and Miss Dixon are also to be operators, but you two are the main characters. The machines work by a small electric motor, and all you have to do is to push some cloth along under the needle. You can do that."

It was sharp, though, that small monkey, sharp as a needle, and had its little black eyes glancing on all sides; so that when Grampus dashed through under-wood, and the branches threatened to sweep it off, it ducked its head; or, lying flat down, shut its eyes and held on with all its teeth and four hands like a limpet to a rock. Marmoset was not careful as to her attitude on dog-back.

You must understand that by the advice of the physicians it was ordained that what did offend his stomach should be taken away; and therefore they made seventeen great balls of copper, each whereof was bigger than that which is to be seen on the top of St. Peter's needle at Rome, and in such sort that they did open in the midst and shut with a spring.

The other ladies, their curiosity once satisfied, scarce paid any heed to her at all; and Veranilda was never more content than when left quite alone, to ply her needle and commune with her thoughts.

Then, singing to make herself forget how hungry she was, she hurried into the littlest house and shall it be told? caught up her grandpa's plate and licked the crumbs from it, then inverted the tin cup and let the few drops still left in it trickle slowly down her throat; and such was Glory's dinner. Afterward she took out needle and thread and heigho!

"No one knows," answered Professor Henderson. "We are in dire straits. Did you look at the needle, Jack?" "I did." "What did it show?" "The needle was straight up and down!" "I knew it!" cried the old inventor. "I said we would reach the pole, and we have!" "It ain't goin' to do us a heab sight ob good," said Washington. "I'd rather hab a good barber pole any day! No north poles fo' me!"

David sat silent and embarrassed. He did not know what to say how to deal with this turn in the conversation. 'Oh, I know you think I'm just foolish, she said, sadly, taking up her needle. 'You always did; but I'll take your sister indeed I will. 'Perhaps you'll turn her your way of thinking, said David, with a little awkward laugh, looking round for his hat.