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The signs of them were graven on his young face, on his eyes, round which a slight permanent frown, as of perplexity, seemed to have settled, and on his mouth which was no longer naif and boyish, but would always drop with repose into a hard compressed line. Nelly looked up. 'Everything's far away' she whispered 'but this and you! He kissed her upturned lips and there was silence.

She wanted to give it to him, but no fitting insolence occurred to her and she turned to the window before which two Japanese were passing, with the air, certainly feigned, which these Asiatics display, of being hilarious and naïf. "Will you?" he repeated. "Will I what?" "Marry me?" Perhaps he did mean it, she thought. He was cheeky enough for anything. But now he was prodding her. "Say yes.

Il est très gentil et naïf," she said again with the same smile. "Men need occupation, and Alexey needs a circle, so I value all these people. We have to have the house lively and gay, so that Alexey may not long for any novelty. Then you'll see the steward a German, a very good fellow, and he understands his work. Alexey has a very high opinion of him.

Therefore during the terrible struggle between Northerners and Southerners, artillerymen were in great request; the Union newspapers published their inventions with enthusiasm, and there was no little tradesman nor naïf "booby" who did not bother his head day and night with calculations about impossible trajectory engines. Now when an American has an idea he seeks another American to share it.

It was possible to hear almost all the prayer through the red baize door, and the words, hackneyed though they were, and almost absurd in their pious sing-song, had a naïf impressiveness and, to the listener, an intense pathos. The minister prayed for help and comfort for his congregation. There had been much sickness in the village during the summer, and many were in trouble.

And could it ever have been caught had not Nature in one of her happiest moods bethought herself of evolving, in a late and empty day, the industrious tapestry weaver of Merton and idle singer of ‘Sigurd,’ ‘The Earthly Paradise,’ ‘Love is Enough,’ and ten thousand delightful verses besides? But can a writer be called naïf who works in a diction belonging rather to a past age than to his own?

This quality is strikingly exhibited for us in Jowett's translation of Plato which is as modern in feeling and phrase as anything done in Boston in the naif and direct Herodotus, and, above all, in the King James vernacular translation of the Bible, which is the great text-book of all modern literature. The second quality is knowledge of human nature.

Grey showed me the look in his face this morning, innocent, naïf, as all well-blooded horses' eyes are. Like her own, eh? I says to Pratt, long ago, twenty he was then, 'When you want a wife, find one who laughs out from her heart, and see if dogs and horses kinsfolk with her: that's your woman to marry, if they do." They had stopped by the front-steps for her to finish her soliloquy.

The hopes of the early part of the commercial period may be read in almost every book of the time, expressed in various degrees of dull or amusing pedantry, and show a naif arrogance and contempt of the times just past through which nothing but the utmost simplicity of ignorance could have attained to.

But he contented himself with saying, 'Rowly's a capital fellow, Netta, fach, and doing his best. Whether he's a fashionable preacher or not I don't know, but he kept us all awake at Llanfach one Sunday for half-an-hour, which is something. 'Your brother is so amusing! so naïf! I die of him! said Madame Duvet. 'Very original! remarked Miss Simpson; 'I do like originality