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The last letter was always convincing; it breathed Martin's strong, joyous spirit from every line, and drove away all fears. It had come promptly in answer to hers, and had been sent under cover to Mrs. Munn, for fear Ella Anne's curiosity might again be aroused. Martin evidently retained his old rollicking spirits, for he fell in most cordially with the plan for eloping.

I have already borne more than my share of anguish; but this, if it goes on, will kill me or drive me mad!" He turned away, with his head bent, with an unsteady step, and walked toward the window, where he stood leaning against it heavily, and staring out at vacancy. As for Mr. Munn, he gave one glance of horror at Wiggins, and then, with a swift, frightened step, he hurried from the Hall.

Joule has also proved that, when iron is released from its amalgam by distilling away the mercury, the metallic iron takes fire on exposure to air, and is therefore clearly different from ordinary iron. A New Catalogue of Valuable Papers Contained in SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT during the past ten years, sent free of charge to any address. MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New York.

Brenner was on her knees before Munn, clutching him about the legs with twining arms. Tears of agony dripped over her seamed face. "He didn't do it! Don't take him! He's my baby! He never harmed anybody! He's my baby!" Then with a shriek, as Munn unclasped her arms, "Oh, my God! My God!" Munn helped her to her feet. "Now, now, Mrs. Brenner, don't take on so," he said awkwardly.

"Indeed we will, jist as soon as we can get them to settle down a bit. An' Jake says the boys'll help him in the mill, an' the girls'll help me in the house, an' we'll get along somehow." "Well," said Mrs. Munn, rising, and forestalling any further discussion, "there's no use talkin' about things, anyhow; that does more harm than good." The company arose and drifted toward the door.

Me an' Dave here'll not squeak, you bet." Mrs. Munn opened the gate. "I'm goin' along with you to Arabella's for a minit," she said. "Davy, don't you go away from the house while I'm out, mind ye." "How long'll ye be?" Inquired her son, in a tone that showed he was prepared to argue the question. "Jist a minit. If anybody comes for the doctor, jist say he's gone away."

The young doctor finished his work, and went up the stairs three steps at a time, making a commotion that brought Mrs. Munn from her pie-baking in hurried alarm. He washed his hands, resumed his coat, and, leaning out of the window, wished with all his might that he had something to do.

Hannah was of the opinion that the boy had been converted at Mr. Scott's series of special meetings at Christmas time, but Jake, having been a boy himself, shook his head, and said it was likely just a spell he had taken with the cold weather, and it would work off when the summer came, like Joey's whooping-cough. But, strange to say, Tim went no more abroad with Davy Munn on lawless expeditions.

They gave it us, but they seemed surprised at us wanting to drink it there, and the glass was warm it had just been washed. We only did it, really, so as to get into conversation with B. Munn, grocer, and extract information without rousing suspicion. You cannot be too careful.

Obviously this decision allowed the states to work out their railroad problems unhampered, and constituted one of the chief victories for the Grangers. In 1886, however, the Court overturned some of the principles which had been established in the Munn and Peik cases. The new development came about in connection with the Wabash railroad.