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[Note: "Ceux qui pieusement sont morts pour la patrie Ont droit qu'

Having thus "cleared the ground," so to speak, let us now consider the more startling statements and experiments by Dr. Baraduc, summarized by him in his work, Mes Morts; leurs Manifestations, etc., later on in the account. At a quarter-past nine, on a certain memorable day in April, 1907, died André M. Joseph Baraduc, at the age of nineteen years.

In the original, "Font chatoyer les mots." "Et quelquefois les morts," dit Monsieur de Clagny. "Ah! Literally: "And sometimes the dead." "What can he mean?" asked Madame de Clagny, puzzled by this vile pun. "I seem to be walking in the dark," replied the Mayoress. "The jest would be lost in an explanation," remarked Gatien.

The high value which the French government placed on the services of these allies may be inferred from a remark which has come down from a council of state, in reference to their conduct in this battle: "Quoique je n'approuve pas qu'on mange les morts, cependant il ne faut pas quereller avec ces bonnêtes gens pour des bagatelles."

I had resolved to stay, and never more venture country-wards but the accident has ended that." He inquired how many persons the gang numbered now. The 'ruffler, or chief, answered "Five and twenty sturdy budges, bulks, files, clapperdogeons and maunders, counting the dells and doxies and other morts. Most are here, the rest are wandering eastward, along the winter lay. We follow at dawn."

In poetry, the French Canadian has won a more brilliant success than in the sister art of romance. Four names are best known in Quebec for the smoothness of the versification, the purity of style, and the poetic genius which some of their works illustrate. These are, MM. Le May, Cremazie, Sulte, and Frechette. M. Cremazie's elegy on 'Les Morts' is worthy of even Victor Hugo.

And these are what I mean by dead horses. "'But what can they possibly do with the unfortunate brutes? "'They harness them to the corricoli. "'What! those with which I came from Salerno to Naples' "'Were the ghosts of horses; spectre steeds, in short. "'But they galloped the whole way. "'Why not? Les morts vont vite." Et cetera, et cetera.

He began to wonder what, after all, poor Gilfoyle had experienced from this hard-hearted little beauty. He saw that he was almost forgotten already. He thought, "How fast they go, the dead!" That same Villon had said it centuries before: "Les morts vont vites." The Thropps settled down to a comfortable discussion of future plans. One ledger had been finished. They would open a new one.

"You may hang or drown at last." Sir John. "Les morts n'écrivent point," says Madame de Maintenon. Hannah More's Memoirs, i. 233. The note that Johnson received 'was, says Mr. Hoole, 'from Mr.

We found upon examination that the store of bread and crackers with which our party had been provided was far-beyond what we could possibly require, and we thought it would be sufficient to allow of rations to the Frenchmen until we should reach Powell's, at the Butte des Morts, the day but one following, where we should undoubtedly be able to procure a fresh supply.