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"Five men against twelve fo'c'sle rats. I'll give you two minnits to start work." "You talk big with yore gun in pocket," said the Finn. "Me good man as you enny day." Lund's face turned dark with a burst of rage that exploded in voice and action. "You think I need my gun, do ye, you pack of rats? Then try it on without it." His hand slid to his holster inside his heavy coat.

Here's May in Janewarry; an' 'gainst May, comes th' east wind breakin' the ships o' Tarshish." "Now, what an instructive chap you be to convarse with, I do declare! Darned if I didn' stand here two minnits, gazin' up at the seat o' your small-clothes, tryin' to think 'pon what I wanted to say; for I'd a notion that I wanted to speak, cruel bad, but cudn' lay hand on't.

After the pill gits into his system it will explode in about ten minnits, 'nd then the boy will feel better." This wuz cheerful news for the boy. No human power c'u'd ha' got that pill into Sam. We never solicited Dock's perfeshional services ag'in. One time Dock 'nd Lem Thompson drove over to Knoxville to help Dock Parsons cut a man's leg off.

"I seen his face," said Kildare, jerking a blackened thumb towards the gunner's sighting-glasses, "minnits back through thim little jiggers, an' to man or mortal that's as sick wid the hate av Life, an' as sharp-set with the hunger for Death as the Docthur is this day, no harrum will come. 'Tis quare, but thrue."

But I'm suggestin', if he comes out an' you want to parley, you can jest say you'd thought over his proposition an' was ready to join his band, or you ain't. You'll have to kill him, an' it 'd save time to go fer your gun on sight. Might be wise, too, fer it's likely he'll do thet same." "How about the horses?" "I'll fetch them an' come along about two minnits behind you.

What for is your business, not mine. Well, there's a train, express, stops at only one station on the way, in at 5.50. It's twenty minnits to six now. If you take that road just oppersite, it'll bring you out at the end of the Station Road; you can do it easy in ten minnits and have time to spare. So cut away, and good luck to you?" "I'm vastly obliged to you," said Paul, and he meant it.

"Son," said Lund simply, "I'm afraid of nothing. But they're primed for somethin', under Carlsen. We'll be makin' Unalaska ter-morrer or the next day. Here's hopin' it's the next. An' we've got to know what to expect. Did you know that the skipper has had another bad spell?" "No. When?" "Jest a few minnits ago. Cryin' for Carlsen like a kid for its nurse an' bottle. The doc's with him now.

The water murmured in response to the movement of the tide, but to the unaided eye there was no vestige of a passage through the volcanic barrier that reared itself on every hand. "Were 'ave you bin?" growled Coke. "We've lost a good ten minnits. You ought to 'ave known, Hozier, that it's darkest just after sunset." "We could not have started sooner, sir." "W'y not?

"Who's the toff who just left your lot?" he said, when Bates arrived. "Dunno," said Bates. "Some one callin' on Mrs. Lester, I fancy. Why?" "O, nothing. On'y, if I was togged up regardless on a night like this I'd blue a cab fare." "I didn't see him meself," commented Bates. "My boss 'eard him come, an' both of us 'eard him go. He didn't stay more'n five minnits." "Wish I was in his shoes.

"We'd best be sharp," he said; "you must start in twenty minnits to get to the church in time." "It would be interesting to know what you propose doing." The stranger sat down on the slope, picked a strip of sea-weed off his breeches, and looked up with a smile. "I reckon you'll think it odd." "Of that I haven't a doubt."