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A reference to the map will show that this "agreeably diversified" road passes under the famous lines of Shumla, and through many fields of fierce and stubborn fight between Turk and Russ, in the days before the Sultan was delivered over by his allies to his enemy, on the faith of a military report from a man who had never seen a regiment of regular troops under arms! but Mr Paton appears to consider such matters as exclusively the province of militaires, and passes on at once to Roustchouk, which he found "a fortress of vast extent; but, as it is commanded by the heights from which I was descending, it appeared to want strength if approached from the south.

That is dolorous, is it not, reader? and strikes you to the heart. It is not fancy. December, 1864, saw that, and more, in Virginia. In the streets of Richmond, crowded with uniforms, in spite of the patrols, marching to and fro, and examining "papers," I met a number of old acquaintances, and saw numerous familiar faces. The "Spottswood" was the resort of the militaires, and the moneyed people.

"'They' have done away with lettres de cachet," said the Chevalier. "You know what a hubbub there was when they tried to institute a law for special cases. We could not keep the provost's courts, which M. /de/ Bonaparte used to call commissions militaires." "Well, well; what are we to do if our boys are wild, or turn out scapegraces? Is there no locking them up in these days?" asked the Marquis.

I remember the paradoxes and the aphorisms, if not the exact words, the glamour and the sentiment of a humour that was all thy own. Never didst thou laugh; no, not even when in discussing how silence might be rendered in music, thou didst say, with thy extraordinary Pyrenean accent, "Pour rendre le silence en music il me faudrait trois orchestres militaires."

Depuis onze mois que nous sommes partis en guerre, A tous les militaires, On a décidé de plaire. Aussi depuis ce temps l

In town one is not so lucky as a cousin of Madame X. is quartering forty soldiers and ten officers at table who are not or rather, who are a little argumentative, and we have heard of some instances where the "host" and "hostess" have had to sleep in the garret or the cellar or wherever they could, while the best rooms are appropriated by the militaires.

No less striking and beautiful are the few short stories in his Servitude et Grandeur Militaires, in which some heroic incidents of military life are related in a prose of remarkable strength and purity.

Smith's Dictionary, which is full of details in every thing pertaining to the weapons, the armor, the military engines, the rewards and punishments of the soldiers, refers to Folard's Commentaire, to Memoires Militaires sur les Grecs et les Remains, by Guischard, and to the Histoire des Campagnes d'Hannibal en Italie, by Vaudencourt.

Maurice changed the tune: "J'aime les militaires, Leur uniforme coquet, Leur moustache et leur plumet " "Answer!" with a stamp of the foot. "Je sais ce que je voudrais, Je voudrais etre cantiniere!"... "Monsieur," said the pretty countess, after a furtive glance at Madame's stormy eyes, "do you deny?" The whistle ceased. "Madame, to you I shall say that I neither deny nor affirm.

Taking off his cap, and assuming a very polite air of doubt and perplexity, he inquired of the lady missionary committee which over-sees the welfare of these girls, "Pardon, mesdames," he said purposely in French, "cette affiche est-ce seulement pour les civiles ou aussi pour les militaires!" 5th July, 1900. It depends very much on moments as to whether one has time to laugh or to cry.