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The next moment the spare-room seemed full of children, all, like Custard, in search of Patricia, and making, at sight of her, as swift an onslaught in her direction as the extreme length of their nightgowns would permit. So, after all, Christmas morning began merrily for them, at least. The doctor, coming home later from an early visit to the hotel, stopped outside Patricia's open door.

Less than a fortnight later all five of the boys, Joe, Bob, Jimmy, Harry, and Dicky, were on leave in London. The night after their arrival on the English side of the Channel, Archie Fox, now a convalescent, invited them to dinner at the Royal Overseas Officers Club, where the six Brighton boys foregathered merrily. Dinner over, Joe proposed a toast of "the folks at home."

Joe and Gilbert put up the tents, while down at our camp fire at the shore George made the bannocks and Job skinned, dressed, and cooked the porcupine. When it grew so dark that I could not see to write I went to help cook bannocks. It seemed good to be near the fire too, for it was growing cold. George and Job chatted merrily in Indian, Job evidently, as fond of fun as George.

And although the girl on the bed talked of the town in glowing terms, in a few moments Fanny was saying: "I'm afraid you've been rather lonely here." "Oh, no!" And Ethel laughed merrily. "If you knew how my time is filled every hour! My small boy " and she went eagerly on to show how full her life had become. "Oh, you darling!" Fanny laughed.

I dare say, if the truth were known, there is some handsome young rector, besides the old curate, who plays the flute, and preaches sentimental sermons in white kid gloves." Evelyn laughed merrily, so merrily that Caroline's suspicions vanished.

The midshipman laughed, as he pointed out to Barnstable the object of the cockswain's solicitude, which proved to be a fat ox, quietly ruminating under a hedge near them. "There's many a hungry fellow aboard of us," said the boy, merrily, "who would be glad to second long Tom's motion, if the time and business would permit us to slay the animal." "It is but a lubber's blow, Mr.

But each afternoon he returned to it until the third day, when he discovered a new creek, and Wakayoo. The creek was fully two miles back in the forest. This was a different sort of stream. It sang merrily over a gravelly bed and between chasm walls of split rock. It formed deep pools and foaming eddies, and where Baree first struck it, the air trembled with the distant thunder of a waterfall.

But at last he worked almost merrily. He came to enjoy the combat for its own sake. And sometimes he would play with a victim cat-wise, and after a victory in which the mouse fought well, John would lick his chops with some satisfaction at his business prowess. Mill after mill along the valley and through the West came under his control.

"Oh, Glinda," cried Trot, "Scraps has thought of a way to rescue Ozma and Dorothy and all of the Skeezers." The three Adepts could not avoid laughing merrily, for not only were they amused by the queer form of the Patchwork Girl, but Trot's enthusiastic speech struck them as really funny.

I must have my bowl of coffee and a bit of salt pork and biscuit before I say another word." "Oh, very well," cried Rodd merrily. "I see we shan't agree; and we don't want to quarrel, do we, captain?" "Quarrel? Not us, my lad! It takes two to do that, and we knows one another too well."