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And in response would come peals of laughter from the girls' windows, shrill peals and deep guttural peals intersecting and breaking joints like overlapping shingles on the roof of Craziness. Savez-vous? C'est une maladie, ca,"

J'ai l'honneur de" Meaning, in brief English: "Be at Neundorf here, publicly, on Monday next, 18th, towards noon." Things being ripe. "Haste, Milord, haste!" "Ce 18me a 3 heures apres-midi. . "Je suis an desespoir, Milord, de votre maladie. Voici le courrier que vous attendiez. "Distressed inexpressibly by your Lordship's biliary condition. One cannot travel under colic; and things were so ripe!

"Mercy, how you chatter about 'marrying'!" the girl laughed. "C'est la maladie anglaise you've all got it on the brain." "Why I put it that way to please you," he explained. "You complained to me last year precisely that this was not what seemed generally wanted." "Oh last year!" she made nothing of that. Then differently, "Yes, it's very tiresome!" she conceded.

En arrivant je me mis au lit pour me faire traiter de ma maladie, et je ne fus guéri et en état de partir que le 19 d'Août. Mais pendant ma convalescence je me rappelai que plusieurs fois j'avois entendu différentes personnes dire qu'il étoit impossible

The weather has turned cold, and there is tearing wind and snow. 1 February. "No," says I to myself, in a supremely virtuous manner, "I shall not be beaten by this enervating existence here. I'll do something if it's only sewing a seam." Oddly enough, this "maladie" is a sort of epidemic here. The fact is, the dust is full of microbes, and no one is too well nourished.

It is more than a year since a black-edged letter, written upon foreign paper, came to Robert Audley, to announce the death of a certain Madame Taylor, who had expired peacefully at Villebrumeuse, dying after a long illness, which Monsieur Val describes as a maladie de langueur.

You have found him? Hom! I should say a maladie of nerfs will come to him. A pin fall he start! A storm at night he is out dancing among his ships of venture! Not a bid of corage! which is bad. If you shall find Mr. Pole for to- morrow on ze lawn, vary glad." With a smile compounded of sniffing dog and Parisian obsequiousness, Mr.

During the winter of 1875, M. Moriaz had undertaken an excess of work; he was overdriven, and his health suffered. He was attacked by one of those anemic disorders of which we hear so much nowadays, and which may be called la maladie a la mode.

Which Lady, being long time vexed with a grieuous maladie, was in extremitie, where at length paying the debt due to nature, she changed this transitorie life, for life eternall; Who, in her life time, was a very worthy and vertuous Lady, borne in England, and descended of most noble parentage named Gutuere; Which, according to her degree, was there most honourably enterred, to the great griefe of all the whole armie.

F dit que 'je n'ai pas marque aucune epoque. Mais a No. 2 du memoire il trouvera ces mots. 'Quibusdam abbinc annis. J'ai meme detaille le progres de la maladie pour trois ans consecutifs. "Mons. F observe, 'On no dit point s'il y a des exacerbations dans cette fievre ou non. Qu'il. Regarde la lettre B, il verra, Vespere febris exacerbatur.