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Nor could I have had the heart, I acknowledge, to have dashed her natural pleasure at her success by any abrupt expression of annoyance. I said, "Why, Virginia, you are become a fine lady!" She stepped quickly forward, knelt, and kissed my hand an act of humility which touched me. "Sir," said Scipione, "I told you that she had the makings.

Anyone can see that you've the makings of a good detective." Rolfe could afford to ignore the sting contained in such faint praise. "What do you make of it?" he asked. "Looks as though there is a woman in it," said the inspector, who was still examining the scrap of lace and muslin. "There can't be much doubt about that," replied Rolfe.

"Looks more like her father, if she looks like either of them," Mrs. Schum was fond of saying, "and she has his easy disposition. But there is a child who runs deep. If she was mine I'd educate her to be something. Ah me, if only my Annie hadn't lost her head and married, she had the makings, too." As a matter of fact, Lilly's resemblance to her parents stopped abruptly.

Bill gave an unwilling glance, shrugged his shoulders disdainfully, and resumed progress up the difficult defile. Willock continued: "Two weeks ago, there wasn't nothing there but naked sand. Now there's three saloons, a hardware store, a grocery, a bank all of 'em under canvas and the makings of a regular town. Right out there in the broiling sun!

As soon as he heard my name he began speaking to me in a tone of the most delicate flattery. I saw the makings of a great adventurer in him, but I thought his luxury would prove the weak point in his cuirass. I thought him something like what I had been fifteen years ago, but as it seemed unlikely that he had my resources I could not help pitying him.

There was a unanimous call for Author, giving rise to sounds of discussion behind the curtain. Eventually the whole company appeared, with Veronica in the centre. I had noticed throughout that the centre of the stage appeared to be Veronica's favourite spot. I can see the makings of a leading actress in Veronica.

When I was a schoolmaster it used to distress me to find how invariably the parents of boys discoursed with earnestness and solemnity about a boy's games; one was told that a boy was a good field, and really had the makings of an excellent bat; eager inquiries were made as to whether it was possible for the boy to get some professional coaching; in the case of more philosophically inclined parents it generally led on to a statement of the social advantages of being a good cricketer, and often to the expression of a belief that virtue was in some way indissolubly connected with keenness in games.

The sailor dropped on the floor and fumbled in his clothing for a cigarette. "Have you got the makings?" he asked, giving up the search at last. Ned shook his head. "I have need of all my wits," he said, "and never befuddle my brain with tobacco. It's the curse of the age." "I've got to have a cigarette," the sailor said. "I'll go crazy if I don't have one!

He quite realized the absurdity of supposing that the Irish Parliamentary party consisted of men who had in them the makings of rebels. "Read their speeches," he said. "Since this talk of Home Rule began they've been cracking up the glories of the British Empire like like the Primrose League."

All the Roman Catholic holidays are kept up with great spirit; rude Indian sports being mingled with the ceremonies introduced by the Portuguese. Besides these, the aborigines celebrate their own ruder festivals; the people of different tribes combining for, in most of their features, the merry- makings were originally alike in all the tribes.