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"I say, Charley," said Philip, "I was ashamed to find my little self lost among these know-it-alls until I met Mrs. Maginnis. She said, 'Oh, Mr. Gouverneur, I am so glad to see somebody that I know. Who are all these people? So I pointed out the university president over there; and I told her that St.

So Bill, being requested in a peevish voice to explain what he meant by saying, 'Oh, I don't know, condoned the peevishness. He then bent his mind to the task of trying to ascertain what he had meant. 'Well, he said, 'what I mean is, if you don't show up won't it be rather a jar for old friend Maginnis? Won't he be apt to foam at the mouth a bit and stop giving you parts in his companies?

His voice betrayed him a little on the words, but he instantly recovered his poise, and, hand on the knob, faced the other with his gayest smile. "Tell me, Mr. Higginson did you skip to New York that afternoon, when Maginnis and I, you know, dashed up here to assassinate you?" "Yes," replied the handsome old intriguer with a nervous cough, "yes, I you see, it had been reported to me that Mr.

"It wasn't his fault, depend upon it. Maginnis called him back, you know, and no doubt hauled him off bodily, positively refusing to let him pause for good-byes. A man of ruthless determination, is Maginnis." She glanced up the deck with vague uneasiness, disquieted by the unexpected situation.

Maginnis! This ain't your fuss!" "You'll see!" shouted Peter, and cleared the wrecked porch at a bound. In his dash through the darkness for the door he had stumbled over the fragments of Henry's broken chair. One stout leg of it remained in his hand now. Peter's prowess with that weapon has passed into legend in Hunston.

You would enjoy meeting her, I am sure. Will you step around the other side for a moment?" "How exceedingly interesting," murmured Hare, falling in beside them. "Years ago, I used to read quite a bit of poetry myself." The gig still waited at the foot of the stairs. Mrs. Marne, waving upward last adieus to Mary and Varney, called: "Do hurry, Mr. Maginnis. I'm outrageously late."

"I'll ponder it," said Peter; and stretching out his great hand with a gesture which banished the subject, he pushed a service button and begged Townes to be so kind as to name his poison. Outside in the hall a voice just then called his name, and Maginnis answered.

When I left him, a woman came and interviewed me about it for one of the Sunday papers. Sob stuff. Called the piece 'Even Kidnappers Have Tender Hearts Beneath A Rough Exterior. I've got it upstairs in my press-clipping album. It was pretty bad slush. Buck Maginnis hasn't got any tender heart beneath his rough exterior, but he's a good sort and I liked him. We used to shoot craps.

This ambuscade didn't just happen it is manufactured it is politics. Men like these haven't the initiative, or whatever you call it, to get up a thing of this sort. Some one has done it for them. Don't you know why? They want to get rid of Mr. Maginnis. But they can't hurt him alone without having it brought right home to them to the politicians. With you it is different " "Yes, yes I see.

Smith owned a corrupt newspaper; he was a clever man and, by his own confession, an unscrupulous one, bought body and soul by the local freebooters; and if he thought the headlong intruder Maginnis important enough to warrant it, there were presumably no lengths to which he would not go to make the town uncomfortable for him, to the probable prejudice of their mission.