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The action of Count Tristan's mind had been peculiar; when the discovery of his dishonorable manoeuvring caused him a shock which planted the first seeds of his present malady, when he had fallen into the depths of despair, it was Madeleine's hand that raised him up, that saved him from disgrace, and saved his son from being the innocent participator of that shame.

Madeleine's speaking countenance betrayed her surprise, for it seemed strange that Maurice should desire an especial interview with his cousin, whom he saw at all hours; and stranger still that he appeared to be so much disturbed. "How serious you look, Maurice! Are you troubled? Has anything occurred to cause you unhappiness?" "I can have no disguises from you, Madeleine.

"So I mustn't argue any more?" said Lady Tonbridge, looking at Delia, who was seated by her guest's fire, and wore the weary aspect of one who had already been argued with a good deal. Madeleine's tone was one of suppressed exasperation. Exasperation rather with the general nature of things than with Delia. It was difficult to be angry with one whose perversity made her so evidently wretched.

Now I must go to my grandmother and learn what she says; for I can see Madeleine's 'fairy fingers' are impatient to commence their magical preparations for our comfort." He spoke sadly; though his words were half gay in their import. Very few minutes elapsed before Maurice returned, accompanied by the countess.

Maurice must have been the dullest of lovers if he could not distinguish the intonation of joy in Madeleine's voice. "If my own advancement is the only incentive to my return, circumstances may interfere; my father's health, for instance, the necessity of attending to his affairs, or other considerations." Madeleine did not reply.

But you are just the same as of old incorrigible." "Then why try to improve me?" said the other with a show of lightness. But almost simultaneously she turned away from Madeleine's matter-of-fact tone, passed her handkerchief over her lips, and after making a vain attempt to control herself, burst into tears. Madeleine eyed her shrewdly. "What's the matter with you?"

It seems so funny that they have been in New York two whole days before us. I suppose they have seen Madeleine's presents, and our bridesmaids' dresses and everything!" Eleanor sighed as she leaned back luxuriously in the chair of the Pullman coach, gazing down the aisle at her fellow passengers.

It strikes us that Madeleine's interpretation of the rules of decorum must also have suffered by her residence in America; for she very coolly left the lovers to themselves, and, passing through the dining-room, walked into the garden.

Lee had told her maid not to wait for them, and they were alone. The fire was still alive on Madeleine's hearth, and she threw more wood upon it. Then she insisted that Sybil must go to bed at once. But Sybil refused; she felt quite well, she said, and not in the least sleepy; she had a great deal to talk about, and wanted to get it off her mind.

There was a painful struggle going on in her mind, though less torturing than that which convulsed the spirit of her cousin. When he had somewhat recovered himself, he said, "At all events I will see M. de Bois. If there is nothing to be learned from him, if he really knows nothing concerning Madeleine's departure, I must seek information at Rennes. There is no time to lose.