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And then it will be understood that one of the greatest of social problems, perhaps the most arduous of all, has been the problem of love." E.D. Cope, "The Marriage Problem," Open Court, Nov. 1888. Columbus meeting of the American Medical Association, 1900. Ellen Key, Ueber Liebe und Ehe, p. 24.

L'amour sounds to us seductive, enticing, often indeed little more than lust embroidered to make a cloak for ennui. Liebe is to us friendly, soft, childlike. The nations of the earth, close as they are together in these days, are worlds apart in thought.

Ella sprang to her feet and bent over the girl with trembling eagerness. "You keep my secret, meine liebe?" "Yes yes " "I never tell a soul on earth what I tell you now I just eat my heart out and keep still all the years, I can tell you ja?" "Yes, I'll keep it sacred go on " "When I know he gouge my eye out, I go wild. I get my hand on his throat and choke him still.

Die vergebende Liebe; oder Gleichniss vom Schalksknecht. But we must carefully discriminate here, and ascertain what the Lord means by forgiving a brother. There should not be a little, narrow, grudging forgiveness; it should be large, loving, and free. But parallel with forgiveness there must be faithfulness.

That amiable sentence: "Ich liebe dich" is no exception; to me it sounds relentless. I am confident that I asked for coffee in a very mild and ingratiating tone, in direct contrast to his command to get out, and was somewhat ruffled by his stare of speechless rage. "Zwei," said Britton, pointing to the big coffee urn.

Love should not make us blind to faults, nor familiarity make us too ready to blame the shortcomings we see. So work away, my sonnies, and give us more surprises of this sort as often as you like. 'The liebe Mutter has said all. I too am well pleased at the friendly brother-warmth I find.

Strauss, who was imbued at that time with neo-Christian ideas and the influence of Wagner and Tolstoy, was carried away by the subject, and took Guntram from the Streiter der Liebe, and made him his hero. The action takes place in the thirteenth century, in Germany. The first act gives us a glade near a little lake. The country people are in revolt against the nobles, and have just been repulsed.

He never did make comments; and his silence and his ubiquitous efficiency made the twins as fidgety with him as they were with Mrs. Bilton for the opposite reason. They had an uncomfortable feeling that he was rather like the liebe Gott, he saw everything, knew everything, and said nothing. In vain they tried, on that walk back as at other times, to pierce his impassivity with genialities.

"Aha!" said the king, "you are certainly most happily married, or you would not be so enthusiastic about German 'liebe, which I admit is a very different thing from French 'amour. I am, however, convinced that the French language has many advantages over the German.

"Eine Welt zwar bist du o Rom; doch ohne die Liebe, Wäre die Welt nicht die Welt, wäre denn Rom auch nicht Rom." These two verses are from Goëthe, the German poet, the philosopher, the man of letters, whose originality and imagination are most remarkable.