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Dey jes' de same diffunce 'twixt him an' de othah house-boys as dey is 'tween real quality an' strainers he got mannahs, but he ain't got aihs." "Heish, ain't you right!" "An' while de res' of dem ain' thinkin' 'bout nothin' but dancin' an' ca'in' on, he makin' his peace, callin', an' 'lection sho'." "I tell you, Mam' Henry, dey ain' nothin' like a spichul named chile."

Do everything 'bout'n the 'lection! Turn every stone! Time enough fur courtin' arterward! Time enough!" Once more Justus laughed contentedly. The man beside him stirred uneasily, then broke out irritably: "Waal, I'm powerful tired o' this 'lection foolishness, fur one. I wisht I hed never let ye push an' boost me inter it.

I dare not imperil her peace, and mine, by the effort. I can not, I dast not, put aside these sacred duties that Providence has laid upon me. My wive's happiness is the first thing I must consider. Can I leave her lonely and unhappy while I plunge into the wild turmoil of caurkusses and town-meetin's, and while I go to 'lection, and vote? No.

"'An' that, concloods Texas Thompson, as he reaches for his licker, 'is what comes of an effort at law an' order in Plaza Paloduro. I ain't over-statin' it, gents, when I says, that that 'lection leaves me plumb gun-shy for over a year." "Does Jack Moore have sand? Son, is this yere query meant for humor by you? Which for mere sand the Mohave desert is a fool to Jack."

But Arvilly always puttin' her oar in and always hash on our govermunt, sez: "Why, what is this different from what we do in America?" Miss Meechim's eyes snapped, she wuz madder than a wet hen, but Arvilly went on, "Every 'lection time hain't the great serpent of the liquor power fed and pampered by the law-makers of our country?"

My mother always made "'Lection cake" for us on that day. It was nothing but a kind of sweetened bread with a shine of egg-and-molasses on top; but we thought it delicious. The Fourth of July and Thanksgiving Day were the only other holidays that we made much account of, and the former was a far more well behaved festival than it is in modern times.

The attacks and the scandal resounded throughout the anti-administration papers, their evident purpose being to defeat his re<e:>lection to the United States Senate.

I never see such work," replied Sarah, in a voice strained high with tears. "I call it pretty doin's," assented Cephas. His pale face, with its venerable beard, was closely set about with his white nightcap. He lay staring straight before him with a solemnly reflective air. "I wish you hadn't brought up 'lection that time, father," ventured Sarah, with a piteous sniff.

Once more she thought, in a tremble, and with a difference, of the mistake she might have made. She held to the gate to keep her feet, no longer to open it. "What did ye promise ter tell me 'lection day?" he demanded once more, clasping her hand as it lay on the palings. "'Lection day?" she said with a forced laugh "'t ain't e-ended yit.

He has done nothing nothing that you've got to deal with him for. You needn't feel obliged to deal with him. He and father got into a talk over the 'lection, and they had words about it. He didn't talk any worse than father, not a mite. Father started it, anyway, and he knew better; he knew just how set Barney was on his own side, and how set he was on his; he wanted to pick a quarrel."