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The older portion of the Capuchin convent, by a miracle as it were, escaped the on-rush of the land-slide, but its famousCalvary,” the large group of the Crucifixion that appears prominently in so many pictures of Amalfi, was completely swept away, so that the boatmen from the sands below can no longer behold the immense vivid representation of the Last Agony which was wont to greet their upturned eyes.

"You seem to think your mine will turn out money in time for you to spend it this Fall," ventured Kenneth, amusedly. "Why, of course it will, if we can get at it through that land-slide," returned she. "Other mines take from one to ten years to prepare for and operate.

There we found the old gulch literally filled in with rocks, earth and roots, so that we could not get through to find the cave. But we brought home bits of gold ore, just the same." John rolled the nuggets across the table, and the girls gazed with bated breath at what they believed had been buried forever under the land-slide.

It appeared as if the great cones and cromlechs were tumbling pell-mell from every direction into the valley. Though the situation of the three persons on the mountain side was disagreeable to the last extent, they were exposed to only one especial danger that from a land-slide or a detached boulder. At every ten steps the guide glanced up the dripping steep, and listened.

The voyageurs thought this the explosion of stones, but soon learned to recognize the sound of avalanche and land-slide. The river became narrower, deeper, swifter, as the explorers approached the mountains. For five miles rocks rose on each side twelve hundred feet high, sheer as a wall.

The reader cannot know what a land-slide is, unless he has lived in that country and seen the whole side of a mountain taken off some fine morning and deposited down in the valley, leaving a vast, treeless, unsightly scar upon the mountain's front to keep the circumstance fresh in his memory all the years that he may go on living within seventy miles of that place.

Brewster had seen Anne steal away and she understood the reason. Now she quickly diverted attention by saying: "Of course you boys have heard about the awful land-slide?" As it was so recent an event, it instantly absorbed all. Then Mr. Brewster told about the plans to ride up the Trail on the morrow and ascertain just how much damage had been done.

"That gold mine we told you boys about, was first found and staked by a white-haired man who called himself Montresor. He lost it again in just the same way as we did a land-slide buried it and his stakes, and no one could locate it again. "Then he died and left his claim to me. I always believed he had one, but every one else laughed at him and said he was crazy.

Love, Mother." "Oh, oh! how wonderful!" cried Polly, catching Kenneth's hands delightedly. "I'm glad, too, Ken, but I shall have to contest any of your claims to my mine," laughed Eleanor. "Your father ought to be told about the land-slide. Maybe he is coming west to look over the claim, but he won't be able to see anything," remarked Polly.

This occurred in 1852. Only a few times have freshets exceeded ten feet rise over that dam. The greatest fall of water and rise of the freshet, in this valley, known at Concord, New Hampshire, occurred in August, 1826. This storm notably caused the land-slide in the Saco valley, which buried the Willey family.