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"Never in my world," replied the little one, with a solemn shake of her head. "Well, it's a lamp-mat for auntie. It's going to be blue, and red, and all colors; and when it's done, mother'll sew it into a round, and put fringe on: won't it be splendid? But remember, you promised not to tell!" Now, the very next time Prudy sat in her auntie's lap she whispered in her ear,

The lilac bush by the kitchen window is over a foot higher, and the elm in the front yard died and had to be cut down. And yet it don't seem the same place that it used to be." "How's ma?" asked Miss Carrington. "She was settin' by the front door, crocheting a lamp-mat when I saw her last," said "Bill." "She's older'n she was, Miss Posie. But everything in the house looked jest the same.

A girl, apparently about thirteen years of age, was seated by the fire, busily embroidering a lamp-mat; another, some six years younger, was dressing a doll; while an infant, five or six months old, crawled about the carpet, eagerly picking up pins, needles, and every other objectionable article his little purple fingers could grasp. "Take him, Beulah," said the mother.

I saw you and him going at it pretty briskly." "I stopped him from making a fool of himself." "Quite a contract, boy! Quite a contract! And when you got to the matter of his purple whiskers and his lamp-mat hair " "I said nothing to Mr. Britt on such a ridiculous topic certainly not, sir!" "And yet you brag that you have stopped him from making a fool of himself," purred the Squire. "Tut! Tut!

"Not a lamp-mat, of course?" "Why, yes it is! O, there, now you've been and guessed all in a minute! Susy's gone an' told! I didn't s'pose she'd tell. I wouldn't for nothin' in my world!" Was it strange that Susy felt vexed when she found that her nice little surprise was all spoiled? "Try to be patient," said Mrs. Parlin, gently. "Remember how young and thoughtless your sister is.

Folks that think she's too pale ought to have seen her yesterday afternoon." "Why is that?" "'Cause she was just pink all over," answered Zephania. "I took some eggs up to her house and just when I was coming out she came up on the porch. She looked like; she'd been running and her face was just as pink as as that lamp-mat!"

Mother will let me start with Grandmother Nelson's desk, though it is dearer than life to me; and I know she'll crochet him a lamp-mat before he gets here maybe several, if she likes the pattern she starts on." "Do you remember that mahogany table in my room?" exclaimed Julia, several minutes lost in deep reflection. "It is real Chippendale, Aunt Amanda says, and I'll send that out.

I have so much going to do" She paused, removed her glasses, and fell to straightening the fringe of the lamp-mat. "Of course, if you think they're in need of a friend; but from your description" "No," he answered, quickly, "not at all. They've friends, no doubt. Everything about them has a neat, happy look. That's what attracted my notice. They've got friends, you may depend."

"Papa, one ribbon is to keep your place in the Old Testament," said Susy; "one is to stay in the middle, at the births and marriages; and the other one is for our chapter in the New Testament, you know." "I think my lamp-mat is very pretty," said aunt Madge, kissing Susy; "every bit as pretty as if Prudy hadn't 'been and told."

It is wise to prepare in plenty of time, for I shall be sending a box to your mother very soon, and the Christmas presents can go in it. By the bye, how is the lamp-mat you are making for her getting on? 'Oh, quite well, Miss Mouse replied. 'Miss Ward lets me do a little every day while we're reading aloud. It'll be finished very soon. 'That's a good thing, said Mrs.