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A short distance in front appeared lights and figures moving to and fro along the shore the lights were those of Fort Garry, the figures those of Riel, O'Donoghue, and Lepine, with a strong body of guards. A second more, and the boat gently touched the soft mud of the north shore.

He touched an electric bell push, attached to the table, as he spoke. "And your soundings?" asked she. "They can wait for some other time or some other man, sea depths are pretty constant." A quarter-master appeared at the saloon door, came forward and saluted. "Ask Captain Lepine to come aft," said the Prince. "I wish to speak to him." "Wait," said Mademoiselle Bromsart. Then to her host. "No.

The influence of French Canada was also seen in the later action of the Mackenzie government in obtaining a full amnesty for all concerned in the rebellion except Riel, Lepine, and O'Donohue, who were banished for five years.

Of the other active member of the rebel council Adjutant-General the Hon. Lepine it is unnecessary to say much. He seems to have possessed all the vices of the Metis without any of his virtues or noble traits.

But you are wrong, citizen Lepine," he continued, speaking more and more calmly as his passions of hatred and of love seemed more and more to hold him in their grip; "you are wrong if you think that she will not strike a bargain with me in order to save the life of Fabrice, whom she loves.

The Prince, telling him not to move, sat down and lit a cigar. Then they fell into talk. Lepine was a sailor and nothing else. Had his character been cut out of cardboard the line of division between the sailor and the rest of the world could not have been more sharply marked. That was perhaps why the two men, though divided by a vast social gulf, were friends, almost chums.

This was the reason, we may be sure, that some of the revengeful threats which he, about this time made, were not carried into effect. He held long counsel with his military leader, Lepine. "How does the sentiment of the settlement go now? Do they disapprove of my severe measures?"

"This is a farce, I presume, citizen," he said when he had recovered something of his composure. "No farce, citizen," replied Lepine calmly. "The money is at your disposal whenever you care to bring the letters to my pitch at the angle of the Rue Dauphine and the Quai des Augustins, where I carry on my business." "Whose money is it? Agnes de Lucines' or did that fool Fabrice send you?"

He was the eye of the little ring of clever adventurers who, with capital at their command, were able to effect coups so daring, so ingenious, and so cleverly devised that even Monsieur Lepine and his department in Paris were from time to time utterly aghast and dumbfounded. That night I wrote a note to him, and at eleven o'clock next morning we met in a small café down in La Condamine.

Juve slipped away to join the popular chief commissioner of police, who was standing apart in the gallery overlooking the hall. Despite the amiable smile he cultivated, Monsieur Lépine looked anxious. "Juve, are you on duty here?" he asked. "Yes and no, Monsieur." Monsieur Lépine looked his surprise. "I will explain this to you later, Monsieur," said Juve.... "Things are still very complicated."