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We may cite on this subject one of our earlier experiments, which is to be found in the Comptes rendus de l'Academie for the year 1857, and which clearly shows the great influence exerted on fermentation by the soluble portion that the sugared water takes up from the globules of ferment: "We take two equal quantities of fresh yeast that have been washed very freely.

The performance of Poliziano's "Orfeo," however, took place some forty years earlier than that of "Calandra," and it was without doubt in a closed hall and therefore most probably with artificial light of flambeaux and lamps. [Footnote 21: "Histoire du Théâtre de l'Opéra en France depuis l'Etablissement de l'Académie Royale de Musique jusqu'

Si encore la pauvre petite avait vecu, mon oncle aurait eu une fille peur remplacer les siennes, car il faut bien parler d'Anne comme d'une personne morte. "Je me felicite des resultats de mon nouveau systeme: je me leve de fort bonne heure, j'ai fini dans l'Academie a 10 h. 1/2; alors je fais une course, et immediatement apres je me rends au Musee ou je dejeune.

We first called attention to them in various notes, which we read before the Chemical Society of Paris, notably at its meetings of April 12th and June 28th, 1861, and in papers in the Comtes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences.

"M. Darwin continue: 'Aucune distinction absolue n'a ete et ne pout etre etablie entre les especes et les varietes. Je vous ai deja dit que vous vous trompiez; une distinction absolue separe les varietes d'avec les especes." "JE VOUS AI DEJA DIT; moi, M. le Secretaire perpetuel de l'Academie des Sciences: et vous "'Qui n'etes rien, Pas meme Academicien;

It is yet kept on the repertoire together with his 'Maison de deux Barbeaux , Raymonde , and Les Maugars . His novels, tales, and poems comprise a long list. 'Le Bleu et le Noir' was also crowned by the Academy. He has also been an 'Officier de la Legion d'Honneur' since 1895. MELCHIOR DE VOGUE de l'Academie Francaise.

Cet esprit la regne sans tyrannie. Non, non, ce n'est point comme a l'Academie; Ce n'est point comme a l'Acadenie. Desaugiers. Asylums of common-place, he hints, academies must ever be. But that sentence is too harsh; the true one is the academies are asylums of the ideas and the tastes of the last age.

Astonishment would be his companion while reading its packed pages, also while turning the leaves of L'Oeuvre de Rembrandt, décrit et commenté, par M. Charles Blanc, de l'Academie Française. This sumptuous folio he picked up second hand and conveyed home in a cab, because it was too heavy to carry.

Balzac, however, soon withdrew, as he found that his impecunious condition would be a reason for his rejection, and he wrote promptly to Nodier and to M. de Pongerville, another member of the Academy, that if he could not enter L'Academie because of honourable poverty, he would never present himself at her doors when prosperity was his portion.

After analyzing and criticising this note in all its most imperceptible shades, he crushed it within his hand and began to pace the floor, uttering from time to time some of those exclamations which the Dictionnaire de l'Academie has not yet decided to sanction; for all lovers resemble the lazzaroni who kiss San-Gennaro's feet when he acts well, but who call him briconne as soon as they have reason to complain of him.