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What especially struck me in the youth was a kind of sweetness and innocence perhaps what some would call "greenness" that at home I had associated only with country boys, and not even with them latterly. The smartness and knowingness and a certain hardness or keenness of our city youths, there was no trace of it at all in this young Cockney.

"But my child, you must not be here; this is a house of sickness; there is dangerous illness here." "It's no more dangerous for me than for you. I know who is here." She looked archly at him, as he started in surprise. "I will help nurse Mr. Jones." She said this with immense knowingness in her manner as she squeezed the astonished man to her heart.

He looked up at her with a smile, and he could not see how forlornly she returned it. As the day passed, Mrs. Milray's angry eyes seemed to search her out for scorn whenever Clementina found herself the centre of her last night's celebrity. Many people came up and spoke to her, at first with a certain expectation of knowingness in her, which her simplicity baffled.

I do not know whether he found his system a profitable one on the whole, but it was certainly so for me. The young Count d'Aranda, to whom I had restored his humble name of Trenti, was quite resigned, but proud of having given me a specimen of his knowingness by riding post.

When he was leaving, he said: "If anybody gets curious about my coming over to see you, Mary, you might let them think I'm making love to you. It would help both of us." Mary turned her eyes without moving her head, looking at him across her nose in the arch way she had, and smiled with a deep knowingness. "Not so bad!" said she. They let it go at that, understanding each other very well indeed.

When Shelby's turn for this signal honor drew near, and the military secretary, to whom Fortune, not content with sending him into the world a grandson of Mrs. Teunis Van Dam, had added membership in the Beverwyck Club, approached him to discuss preliminaries, the governor cheerfully referred him to his wife in whose social knowingness he placed an abounding trust.

And whatever it was you never could tell had brought to Virginia's girlish face the tender knowingness of the face of a woman. Senator Harrison concluded his argument and sat down. There was no applause, but he had expected none. Senator Dorman was already saying "Mr. President?" and there was a stir in the crowded galleries, and an anticipatory moving of chairs among the Senators.

There's 'lawn, it means the grass-plot, as well as the stuff pocket- handkerchiefs are made of." "Well done, little 'un," said Mr. Tulliver, laughing, while Tom felt rather disgusted with Maggie's knowingness, though beyond measure cheerful at the thought that she was going to stay with him. Her conceit would soon be overawed by the actual inspection of his books. Mrs.

He always wore a light-coloured tweed suit, and a knitted tie of about ten different colours, and his aquiline nose and jaunty manner gave him an air of knowingness which she much appreciated. He was a stockkeeper in a publishing house, and came from the South of England. His voice was light in tone, and he had a delightful burr.

Casson, the landlord of the Donnithorne Arms, in his most striking attitude that is to say, with the forefinger of his right hand thrust between the buttons of his waistcoat, his left hand in his breeches pocket, and his head very much on one side; looking, on the whole, like an actor who has only a mono-syllabic part entrusted to him, but feels sure that the audience discern his fitness for the leading business; curiously in contrast with old Jonathan Burge, who held his hands behind him and leaned forward, coughing asthmatically, with an inward scorn of all knowingness that could not be turned into cash.