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Drive carefully, but make time." In a few minutes they reached the road that led to the hospital, which was well graded and smooth. Duprez sent along his pony at a lope and in a short space of time they reached the door of the hospital, where they were met by Orderly Ben Fallows on duty. "Barney! By the livin' jumpin' Jemima Jebbs!" cried Ben. "What on earth " But the doctor cut him short.

"If it was all worked they'd be out there on them ledges jumpin' about twenty feet into the air, and hollerin' after us." "Let's whoa here and wait for 'em to show in sight," advised Hiram, eagerly. "It will be worth lookin' at." "Hain't no need of slackin' sail," snorted the skipper. "It's about like bein' anchored, tryin' to ratch this old tin skimmer away from anywhere.

What struck me as kind of odd, though, was his jumpin' away from the door of the lodge as the car swung in and the fact that he had a basket covered with a white cloth. "Huh!" says I, more or less to myself. "What's the matter?" asks Vee. "Seeing things in the moonlight?" "Thought I did," says I. "Didn't you, there by the gate!" "Oh, yes," says she. "Some lilac bushes."

I could have bought ever and ever so much more if I had thought it best." "Jumpin' fire! Well, I'm glad you didn't think it best. What in the nation we're goin' to do with all we have got I don't see." "Do with it? Why, sell it, of course." "Urn yes, I cal'lated that was the idea, probably; but who's goin' to buy it?" "Oh, lots of people. You'll see.

He looked at it longingly. But Jimmy was impervious. He whipped it softly about and eagerly read from the book. "Tells here about a man takin' a fish that weighed forty pounds with a pole just like this," he announced. "Scat! Jumpin' Jehosophat! What do you think of that!" "Couldn't you fish turn about with it?" inquired Mary. "Na, we couldna fish turn about with it," answered Dannie.

"I had the key in my pocket," said the toll-woman, "and ever since then I've never carried it anywhere else. I clapped, it into the padlock and turned, but just as I pulled the door I heard feet comin' around the house full drive. Instead of jumpin' into the cave I jumped behind it. I thought they had me, but I wasn't goin' to be crunched to death in a hole, like a mouse.

"An' I 'appen to know that agin the Pioneer's violent opposition, agin the business men, agin his own helder a-keepin' the drug shop, agin the hagent of the town site an' agin the whole blawsted, bloomin' population, that 'ere preacher put up a fight, by the jumpin' Jemima! that made 'em all 'unt their 'oles!" "Aw, Benny, it's wanderin' agin ye are!

"Ach! mauvais chien," growled Gaspard, as he picked up and threw away the fragments of his pipe, "you're always cuttin' and jumpin' about like a monkey." "Oh! pauvre crapaud," cried Francois, laughing; "don't abuse him, Gaspard. He's a useful dog in his way." "Tare an' ages! you've done it now, ye have. Bad luck to ye! wasn't I for iver tellin' ye that same.

In anny part iv this fair land iv ours it shud be th' right iv anny man to get a divoorce, with alimony, simply be goin' befure a Justice iv th' Peace an' makin' an affydavit that th' lady's face had grown too bleak f'r his taste. Be Hivens, I'd go farther. Rather than have people endure this sarvichood I'd let anny man escape be jumpin' th' conthract.

"He couldn't ha' heard o' that petition they're gettin' up from none of the fish he's hauled in; 't will 'bout set him crazy, but I was bound I'd sign it with the rest. The old dory's jumpin' right out of water every stroke he pulls."