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The Governor's quandary Elizabeth's "spirituall armour" "The jumbling at the chamber dore" The lost grapes The tethered calfe "Hott beare" "At a court held at Newhaven the 7th of August 1655.

Thenceforth, for nearly ten years, stroke followed upon stroke, each still further jumbling the threads of her intelligence, but by degrees so gradual and with such partiality of loss and of survival, that her precise state was always and to the end a matter of dispute.

If he took the same article to a high-church magazine, the editor could not commit himself to any theory which made the earth more than six thousand years old, and was afraid that the public taste would not approve of the allusions to free-masonry and Soyer's soup. . . . And worse than that, one and all Jew, Turk, infidel, and heretic, as well as the orthodox joined in pious horror at his irreverence; the shocking way he had of jumbling religion and politics the human and the divine the theories of the pulpit with the facts of the exchange. . . . The very atheists, who laughed at him for believing in a God, agreed that that, at least, was inconsistent with the dignity of the God who did not exist. . . . It was Syncretism . . . Pantheism. . . .

Dizzily, for there seemed to be a mist before her eyes, she went to him and laid a hand upon his arm. "What is it, father?" she said, "Are you ill? What is the matter?" He gazed at her vacantly and struck his hand on the table, after the manner of a child in a senseless passion. "Lost! Lost! All lost!" he mumbled, jumbling the words together almost incoherently. "What is lost, father?" she asked.

When the mass of the population were slaves, and the voters intrinsically a kind of kings, or men born to rule others; when the voters were real "aristocrats" and manageable dependents of such, then doubtless voting, and confused jumbling of talk and intrigue, might, without immediate destruction, or the need of a Cavaignac to intervene with cannon and sweep the streets clear of it, go on; and beautiful developments of manhood might be possible beside it, for a season.

A couple of days after our arrival, Macdonell was seen walking down to the water's edge with a very cautious step, accompanied by one of his men, bearing his canoe, basket fashion, on one arm, and a large bundle on the other, from which, notwithstanding his steady pace, the jumbling sound of liquor was distinctly heard. "Holla, Mac, where are you going with your basket?"

Understand that Ziethen and Mosel, with their waste slow deluge of wagons, come jumbling in, with anxiety, with precautions, precautions doubled, now that the woody intricacies about Domstadtl rise in sight. "Pooh, it is as we thought: there go Austrian cannon-salvos, horse-charges, volleying musketries, as our first wagons enter the Pass; and there will be a job!"

The sea was jumbling up and down irregularly, as though great animals had just stopped fighting there. But whatever was the cause of it, this lump made it difficult to manage the boat I was in, for the air was still light and somewhat unsteady; sometimes within a point of north, and then again dropping and rising free within a point of east: on the whole, north-east.

And then she began telling Liza all about it the blood and thunder, the shooting, the railway train, the murder, the bomb, the hero, the funny man jumbling everything up in her excitement, repeating little scraps of dialogue all wrong gesticulating, getting excited and red in the face at the recollection.

He had begun to get used to his prison, and a little used to the incessant pounding and jumbling and rattling and shaking with which modern travel is always accompanied, though modern invention does deem itself so mightily clever.