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"Oh, you are, are you?" said I, smiling. As I spoke, Jack Ives ran up to us. "I say, Miss Queenborough," he cried, "I've just got your message saying you'd let me take you on the lake." "Is it a great bore?" asked Trix, with a glance a glance that meant mischief. "I should like it awfully, of course," said Jack; "but the fact is I've promised to take Mrs.

The poor French prisoner, Champdivers, might be in a perpetual danger of arrest; but the rich travelling Englishman, St.-Ives, in his post-chaise, with his despatch-box by his side, could smile at fate and laugh at locksmiths. I repeated the proverb, exulting, Love laughs at locksmiths!

Twice he opened his mouth and twice he peered again, as though to assure himself that his eyes had not played him a trick. "Bertrand!" he gasped at last. "Bertrand du Guesclin!" "By Saint Ives!" shouted the French soldier, with a hoarse roar of laughter, "it is well that I should ride with my vizor down, for he that has once seen my face does not need to be told my name.

Miss Penniman had been "actuated by a sudden desire to see once more the beauties of her old home, to look into the faces of the old friends who had followed her career with such pardonable pride." The speech of the president of the literary club, you may be sure, was printed in full, for Mr. Ives himself had taken the trouble to write it out for the editor by request, of course.

It rankles at my heart, and lies there corroding, biting, festering, night and day. I have quarrelled with my sister, and I am sure shall never forgive her; nor will she forgive me, so that we shall easily balance our accounts. This Anna St. Ives is her supreme favourite. But no wonder No wonder It would be strange if she were not!

"My winters are so crowded that I try to get away from people in the summer." "Oh!" said the boy, a little blankly. There was an instant's pause before he added rather uncomfortably: "Miss Ives Miss Carter has been so anxious to meet you " "How do you do, Miss Carter?" said Julie, promptly, politely. She gave her young adorer a ready hand.

The injustice to Miss Wetherell, which Mr. Ives explained as well as he could, made his blood boil: so he declared. And note we are back again at the meeting, when the judge, with his hand on his Adam's apple, is pronouncing the word "gift." Mr.

Raines, the clerk, looked at the handwriting on the book, and would not believe his own sight until it was vouched for by sundry citizens who had followed the lady from the station on foot. And then there was a to-do. Send for Mr. Gamaliel Ives; send for Miss Bruce, the librarian; send for Mr.

So the knowledge of the existence of the banditti was known to one man for a long time. As to Bannack, it was one of the wildest camps ever known in any land. Pistol fire was heard incessantly, and one victim after another was added to the list. George Ives, Johnny Cooper, George Carrhart, Hayes Lyons, Cy Skinner, and others of the toughs were now open associates of the leading spirit, Plummer.

He drew it back, having satisfied himself that they were actually forth-coming, and then recovered himself so far as to ask Pray, sir, are you acquainted with Captain St. Ives? I am, sir, answered I I likewise know Mr. Henley. You do, sir? said the astonished Mac Fane. I do, sir. I am intimate with Sir Arthur St.