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"So am I," responded Willis Ford. "But you owe me a matter of six hundred dollars." "I know it, but you said you wouldn't trouble me." "I didn't expect I should be obliged to," said Morrison, smoothly. "But 'Circumstances alter cases, you know. I shall have to ask you for it." "That's all the good it will do," said Willis, irritably. "I haven't a cent to my name." "When do you expect to have?"

The door was opened. The man in the blue serge suit entered, followed by the protesting landlady. "There's no sense in coming here to worry the young lady," Mrs. Malony declared irritably. "As for Mr. Craig, I told you that he'd gone out." "Gone out, eh?" the man repeated, speaking in a thick, disagreeable tone. "Why, I watched him in here not ten minutes ago.

Tims the untidy, as one in a dream, went on tidying the room she was accustomed to see so immaculate. "There!" cried Milly, turning, "that's how I wear it, isn't it?" "Good Lord, no!" exclaimed Tims, contemplating the transformed Milly. "It suits you, M., in a way, but it looks queer too. The others will all be hooting if you go down-stairs like that." Milly plumped into a chair irritably.

Chance of a lifetime dynasty you gotta look at it that way." Miss Scobell heaved another sigh, and dropped a stitch. "For the love of Mike," said her brother, irritably, "don't snort like that, Marion." "Very well, dear." Betty had not taken her eyes off him from his first word.

Pierre kept beside him and stood by the motor, hat still in his hand, while the doctor talked irritably: "No. You certainly can't see her, for some time. I shall not allow any one to see her, except the nurse. It will be a matter of weeks. She'll be lucky if she gets back her sanity at all. She was entirely out of her head there at the theater. She's worn out, nerves frayed to a frazzle.

Jarvis did his best to grasp the situation, but failed. All that he could do was to maintain his attitude of intelligent interest. "I don't know any one at the club," continued his employer, irritably. "I feel like a fish out of water there, and that's the truth, Mr. Jarvis. It's a good club.

Twist irritably, for really why should Anna II. shake hands right off with strangers? Her business was to wait, not to get shaking hands. He must point out to her very plainly. "Pleased to meet you Miss von Twinkler," said Mrs. Wangelbecker; and at this Anna-Felicitas was so much startled that she dropped her tablets a second time.

Both accounts can scarcely be correct. 'But dear me, are you certain, Mr Merevale? Merevale nodded to imply that he was. The Head drummed irritably with his fingers on the arm of his chair. This mystery, coming as it did after the series of worries through which he had been passing for the last few days, annoyed him as much as it is to be supposed the last straw annoyed the proverbial camel.

I I oh, I can't believe it yet." "Well, but that's still troubling me," said Grace, so apropos of nothing at all that they just stared at her. "Goodness, don't look at me like that," she cried irritably, getting up and walking round the room. "You know I always did hate mysteries."

"Whew!" exclaimed Percy, with a look over at Van. "I tell you what, if you want to get into Polly's good graces, you've just got to brush up on your catechism, and such things," remarked Van; "eyeglasses don't count." Percy turned off uneasily. "Nor suppers, and a bit of card-playing, eh, Percy?" "Hold your tongue, will you?" cried his brother irritably.