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"Now, Sampson, this'll be enough of this." "What have you got to say about it?" inquired Sampson, irately. "Plenty to say," answered Jenkins, calmly. "Not much, you haven't. You keep away from the engine room and the engine-room affairs. I can 'tend to my department. You 'tend to yours." "I can attend to yours as well when the time comes. There's work ahead for " "Well, attend to me now.

He missed Takaroa by thirty miles and fetched Tikei, all because of the shifting currents. You are up to windward now, and you'd better keep off a few points." "But how much has this current set me?" the captain demanded irately. "How am I to know how much to keep off?" "I don't know, Captain," McCoy said with great gentleness.

"Find three stanzas of poetry which you could say are 'A joy forever." "How do I know whether they are a joy forever?" she demanded irately of Judith; "I've been hunting for an hour and I can't find any. I don't know what it's all about most of the time."

He has sent the news already. What do you think?" "Oh, shut up!" answered Forsythe, irately. "I didn't think of it. Neither did any one. What of it? Nothing afloat can catch us. Open the box. Let's have a look, and we'll beat it for Africa." "I tell you," vociferated Munson, "that you'd better start now at full speed, too. That's a scout, and the mother boat isn't far away."

I'm so glad you've come to see me make a pie all by myself. It's for Polly, and it's to be full of plums; Jefferson let me make it." "Jefferson? And where is he, pray?" cried Mr. King irately. "Pretty fellow, to bring you down to these apartments, and then go off and forget you. Jefferson!" he called sharply, "here, where are you?"

"Who's got a knife?" was his next request; and, as no one answered, he repeated the demand in a louder voice. "What d'you want of a knife?" asked Forsythe, with a slight snarl. "To cut your throat, you hang-dog scoundrel," said Sampson, irately. "Forsythe, you speak kindly and gently to me while we're together, or I'll break some o' your small bones. Who's got a knife?"

Tom ran to bring her a glass of wine which she did not want, and they all worried her with their solicitude, till it required great patience to restrain herself from breaking away from them rudely and rushing into the solitude she so much needed. "If I had hold of the creature that scared the horse, I'd mill him," cried Tom, irately. "I don't suppose he was to blame," said Elsie.

Eunice rose, and scowled irately at her aunt. Her temper, always quick, was at times ungovernable, and was oftenest roused at the suggestion of any topic or proceeding that jarred on her taste. Exclusive to the point of absurdity, fastidious in all her ways, Mrs, Embury was, so far as possible, in the world but not of it.

A riotous noise ensued; rough throats rang changes on the question. Order restored, it was evident that the speech was over. Thrown violently out of his concept, the auctioneer struck and struck at his palm in vain; nothing would come. So, making the best of a bad job, he irately sat down in favour of his successor on the programme. This speaker did not fare much better.

There isn't a guy living that could stand up against that. The fingers give you a leverage to beat the band. The guy doubles up, and you upper-cut him with your right, and out he goes. Now, I bet you never knew that before, Mr. Philpotts. Try it on your parishioners." "Peaceful Moments," said Mr. Renshaw irately, "is no medium for exploiting low prize-fighters." "Low prize-fighters! No, no!