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Jack Belllounds had laid a cunnin' an' devilish trap to prove you guilty of rustlin' his father's cattle." "Absurd!" ejaculated Moore, with white lips. "I'd never given him credit for brains to hatch such a plot," went on Wade. "Now listen. Not long ago Buster Jack made a remark in front of the whole outfit, includin' his father, that the homesteaders on the range were rustlin' cattle.

It said as how this was the home office of the Glory Be Mining Company, and there was a string of high-toned names as long as your arm. But the minute I sizes up the inside exhibit I wasn't so anxious. I was lookin' for about a thousand feet of floor space; but all I could see was a couple of six by nines, includin' a clothes closet and a corner washbowl.

"His Majesty" listened in amazement to Brooke's story. "Begorra," said he, "here's another surprise! Didn't I say we were a surprised party? Shure, an' ye've all showed pluck, ivery man jack av yez, includin' the ladies. An' that same 'll have to be considhered in our thraitmint wid yez about the ransom. Shure, I'll deduct five per cint., so I will. Nobody shall say we're not magnanimous.

It was my last throw, contained all I had, includin' the dust and nuggets you and your comrades sent me last night." He said this in a hard, reckless, defiant manner, then looked suddenly in Jack's eyes, and inquired with an expression of curiosity how he came by the bag.

'Tis a blistherin', sizzlin', roastin', wilderness av sand an' cactus, fit for nothin' but thim side- winders, horn'-toads, heely-monsters an' all their poisonous relations, includin' yersilf."

The outfit's to consist of thirty hundred head of Texas steers, a chuck wagon and cook, with thirty riders includin' the boss himself an' six horses to the man."

Let them that think a bunged eye and a bloody nose is the right kind of badges to wear away from a firemen's muster keep right on in their hellish career. As for us" he tucked his wife's arm under his own "we remember there's ladies present." "Includin' the elephant," suggested the irrepressible Uncle Trufant, indicating with his cane Imogene "weaving" amiably in the sunshine.

"Now our Minister to Victoria's Court, when he made his brag speech to the great agricultural dinner at Gloucester last year, didn't intend that for the British, but for us. So in Congress no man in either house can speak or read an oration more than an hour long, but he can send the whole lockrum, includin' what he didn't say, to the papers.

The old farm has got to go." "I don't know about that, Uncle Cyrus." "Why, Jefferson, you haven't money enough to lift the mortgage!" said the old man, with faint hope. "If I haven't I may get it for you. Tell me just how much money is required." "Thirteen hundred dollars, includin' interest." "Perhaps you have heard that I have a boy with me a boy from New York, named Rodney Ropes.

"If I had it ter do over I'd never 'a' let him git so free with his feet in the oven. The truf er the matter is, Miss Milly, that you an' Marse Bob Bucknor an' all yo' chilluns as well, long with all the res' of the fambly includin' of Marse Big Josh an' Marse Lil Josh, done accepted of Miss Ann Peyton an' ol' Billy an' the ca'ige hosses like they wa' the will of the Almighty.