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Pert Miss Laces turned at the door, giggling. "He says the French aristocracy has nothing on him, because his grandfather was one of the original Ten Ikes of New York." A final crescendo of laughter, a last swishing of silks, a breath of perfume from the doorway and they were gone. Within the room the two women sat looking at the closed door for a moment.

What shall we do, girls?" "We go back for tandy lots of tandy," spoke the inexorable Dodo. "We 'ikes tandy; don't us, Paul?" "Yes," said Paul, simply. "The easiest way out of it is to give them some candy," said Grace, in a low voice, but, low as it was, the twins heard. Their eyes brightened at once, and they came eagerly forward.

See how soft and warm it is; bless the good soul that sent it; and now I sit me down; so. And I take thee on my left knee, and put my arm under thy little head; so, And then the psaltery, and play a little tune; so, not too loud." "I ikes dat." "I am right glad on't. Now list the story." He chanted a child's story in a sort of recitative, singing a little moral refrain now and then.

It'll help me in my business to be lined up with Rockefeller and all those Ikes." But this gift never materialized at all, for the reason that Stewart Byrd kindly but firmly refused to give anything. A rich vein of horse-sense underlay Byrd's philanthropic enthusiasms; and even the necessity for the continued existence of old Blaines College appeared to be by no means clear in his mind.

"I ikes tongs," and he became excited. "Choose then, a song or a story." "Ting I a tong. Nay, tell I a tory. Nay, ting I a tong. Nay And the corners of his little mouth turned down and he had half a mind to weep because he could not have both, and could not tell which to forego. Suddenly his little face cleared: "Ting I a tory," said he. "Sing thee a story, baby? Well, after all, why not?

"Now bless thee, bless thee sweet innocent! I would not change thee for e'en a cherub in heaven," said Clement. Soon the child was nestling in the hermit's arms. "I ikes oo," said the little boy. "Ot is oo? Is oo a man?" "Ay, little heart, and a great sinner to boot" "I ikes great tingers. Ting one a tory." Clement chanted a child's story in a sort of recitative.

She did not run she floated yet the gap between herself and her struggling schoolmates grew ever wider. "Oh, you Alberta!" breathed Blister. Then his tone changed. "Most of these wise Ikes talk about the sire of a colt, but I'll take a good dam all the time for mine!" Standing on my chair, I watched the colts finish their run, the filly well in front. "She's a wonder!"

"We go back if oo dot tandy," spoke Paul, cunningly, seeing the drift of his small sister's scheme. "We 'ikes tandy." "I'll give them some if they promise to go back," spoke Grace, making a motion toward her little case that Frank carried. "No, they must not be bribed," said Mollie, firmly. "I shall insist on their going back. And oh! what faces they have!

The boy listened with rapture. "I ikes oo," said he, "Ot is oo? is oo a man?" "Ay, little heart, and a great sinner to boot." "I ikes great tingers. Ting one other tory." Story No. 2 was Chanted. "I ubbs oo," cried the child impetuously, "Ot caft is oo?" "I am a hermit, love." "I ubbs vermins. Ting other one."

He'll be ill, and as I'll have to look after him when mamma is away I don't want to have it any harder than necessary." "Me ikes tandy," remarked Paul. "Dodo ikes tandy too. Why not Dodo come wif us?" His big eyes looked appealing at his sister, and her own filled with tears, while those of Grace were not dry. "Poor little Dodo," said Mollie.