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At the balls there was a great scarcity of young men who could dance; incessant wars had made the youth of France old before their time, and had converted vigorous men into cripples. Her heart filled with dark forebodings, Hortense silently prepared herself against the days of misfortune which she knew must inevitably come.

"I didn't see anything," said Hortense. "I heard something, but it was probably only a rat." She spoke bravely, quite like Grandfather. "'Twan't no rat," muttered Aunt Esmerelda gloomily, shaking her head. "It's a ha'nt or a ghos'. Dey's ha'nts and ghos's all 'roun dis place." Hortense began to feel quite brave after she had arrived safely in the cheerful dining room.

Cope saw a long string of gifts and entertainments, a diamond engagement-ring, a lavishly-furnished apartment ... How in the world could he himself have compassed all this? And how blessed was he among men that he had not been obliged to try! Hortense went through some motions with her brush, yet seemed to be looking beyond him rather than at him.

The rivulet gurgled loud in the dark. And I came from concealment as from a spirit world. Then Hortense was no dream, and love was no phantom, and God was what? There I halted. The powers of darkness yet pressed too close for me to see through to the God that was love.

"Splendid idea," agreed Jeremiah, so they unlocked the door and pushed them all inside, carefully locking them in and Grater put the key in his pocket. "Now," said Jeremiah, "let's go out on the mountain side and maybe we can catch a couple of those little people and really have a fine supper." After they left Hortense began to cry softly.

Mastering his emotion with an effort, the headsman raised his axe; through a mist of tears, it fell. Hortense Poissons "La Bibi," What memories that name conjures up!

But if my dear Hortense were a laborer's daughter, I would marry her " "That is just what I wanted to know," replied the Baron. "Run away, Hortense, and leave me to talk business with Monsieur le Comte. He really loves you, you see!" "Oh, papa, I was sure you were only in jest," said the happy girl.

JOSEPHINE BONAPARTE. BEAUHARNAIS-LAPALLETTE. HORTENSE BEAUHARNAIS. RAPP. BONAPARTE, mere. The company ask pardon for the blots. 21st Messidor. It is requested that the person who receives this journal will show it to all who take an interest in the fair travellers.

Hortense, now a girl of twelve years, lived with her mother, who was scarcely thirty years old, in the sweet companionship of an elder and younger sister. They were inseparable companions; Nature had given Hortense beauty with a lavish hand; her mother gave to this beauty grace and dignity. Competent teachers instructed her daughter's intellect, while the mother cultivated her heart.

On the back of the Image, as it had said, was the pattern of a flower. Hortense followed the curves of its petals with the point of the knife. Then to her surprise the flower swung inward on an invisible hinge and there before her was an opening just large enough for her hand.