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At last she came back to the house, for this interested her more than anything else. There were many bushes and shrubs planted close to the walls, forming fine secret corners in which to hide and look unseen upon the world without. Hortense hid a while in each of them, wishing she had some one with whom to play hide and seek.

When Wenceslas and his wife returned to their room after letting out the Baroness, Hortense said to her husband: "Tell me all about last evening." And she watched his face all through the narrative, interrupting him by the questions that crowd on a wife's mind in such circumstances.

Kitty kissed her hand to him, and, during the pleased giggle that she gave, I saw her first taking in John and then Hortense. Kitty was thinking, thinking, of John's "crudity." And so I made a little experiment for myself. "I wonder if men seem as similar in making love as women do in receiving it?" "They aren't!" shouted both John and Kitty, in the same indignant breath.

"I rust with inaction." "Hush!" said Hortense. They heard the swift patter of feet on the attic stairs and across the floor. "Only Jeremiah," Hortense whispered disappointedly, peeping out of the crack in the door. But immediately after came the clatter of metal and a bright round figure ran up the ladder after Jeremiah and disappeared through the cupola window. Hortense clapped her hands softly.

He compared Valerie with his wife and gave her the palm. Hortense was beautiful flesh, as Valerie had said to Lisbeth; but Madame Marneffe had spirit in her very shape, and the savor of vice.

"You and your mousing tricks!" said Grater contemptuously. But Jeremiah only yawned. "There's a cooky jar at home with something in it," he reminded Grater. "Let's go." With a bound Jeremiah and Grater mounted their weary steeds, and in a moment they were out of sight over the tree tops. "Did you ever!" exclaimed Hortense. "I think we'd better go home," Andy suggested.

The next day Josephine wrote from the palace of St. Cloud to Hortense, who was then at the waters of Cauterets: "Your letter has greatly consoled me, my dear Hortense, and the tidings of your health, which I have received from your ladies, contribute very much to render me more tranquil. The Emperor has been deeply affected.

They, therefore, thought it perfectly natural that Hortense should entertain similar plans for her son; that she, too, should purpose the overthrow of the French king in order to place her own son, or the son of the emperor, the Duke de Reichstadt, on the throne.

Luc, and declared she would eat no dinner unless he would be her cavalier and sit beside her! The gallant old soldier surrendered at discretion. He laughingly consented to be her captive, he said, for he had no power and no desire but to obey. Hortense was proud of her conquest.

But while we were touching at Peterhead, the principal port for the fitting of vessels destined for the seal fishery, the Prince, and M. de la Ronciere, Commander of 'La Reine Hortense, gathered from conversations with the fishermen just returned from their spring expedition some important information on the actual state of the ice.