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I begged your life from Dale for no other reason, I think, than that you had been a horse-boy in my old company in the Low Countries. God wot, the life was scarcely worth the saving!" "I know it, sir." "Dale would not let you go scot-free, but would sell you into slavery. At your own entreaty I bought you, since when you have served me indifferently well.

After they had gone, Ellen Harriott and Blake were left alone in the breakfast-room. Outside, the heedless horse-boy was harnessing Blake's ponies; but inside no one but themselves was awake, and as he finished his breakfast, Ellen stepped up to the table and blew out the two candles, leaving the room in semi-darkness. She caught his hand, and he drew her to him.

The king, unnoting, picked a parchment off the table. "To one of my bravest captains. Here's his commission, my lad." M. Étienne stared up from the writing into the king's laughing face. "I, Sire? "You, Mar, you. You are my staunch supporter, perhaps?" "Your horse-boy, an you ask it, Sire!" He pressed his lips to the king's hand, great, helpless tears dripping down upon it.

The warder scratched his head, and bethinking himself that Eastcheap Jockey was the reverend. Father's man, summoned a horse-boy to call that worthy. "Where was he?" The governor of the Castle had risen from his meal long ago, but the garrison in the piping times of peace would make their ration of ale last as far into the afternoon as their commanders would suffer.

"What does he want, this 'white'?" they asked, suspiciously. "Like all whites," answered Stuart, striving to talk in the character of the negro horse-boy, "he wants something he has no right to have." "And what is that?" "Information. He says he is a military strategist, and is going to make La Ferrière, up there, a modern fort." "He will never get there," said one of the soldiers.

Catherine took up her basket, and away she went by the back-yard, through the stables. There she heard the little horse-boy whistling and hissing after the manner of horseboys; and there she learned that Mrs. Score had been inventing an ingenious story to have her out of the way. The ostler said he was just going to lead the two horses round to the door.

He could not come up with the others, and the unpleasant feeling of remaining behind, in spite of the most honest effort, spoiled his life and made him irritable. His comrades did not spare him, and when they called him "horse-boy," because he was often obliged to help Pater Benedictus in bringing refractory horses to reason, he flew into a rage and used his superior strength.

"I knew the ragged horse-boy to be Stuart Garfield, all the way on the road to Millot and the Citadel," the Cuban purred. "I cannot congratulate you on your cleverness. The disguise was very poor." Stuart thrust forward his chin aggressively, but no retort came to mind. "I missed you, on the return journey," Manuel continued. "Yes," the boy answered. "I came down another way."

The landlady curtseyed; the children hurrah'd more; the little horse-boy, who held the bridle with one hand and the stirrup with the other, and expected a crown-piece from such a noble gentleman, got only a kick and a curse, as Count von Galgenstein shouted, "D you all, get out of the way!" and galloped off; and John Hayes, who had been sneaking about the inn all the morning, felt a weight off his heart when he saw the Captain ride off alone.

Dolores bustled in for a second time and straightway launched herself into a tirade against Juan, the horse-boy. "Devil take me if there was ever such a shameless fellow," she cried, angrily. "He delights in tormenting me, and Dios! he is lazier than a snake. Work? Bah! He abhors it.