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He had strained every nerve, yet here he was behind the children-pickers, behind the gray old women stiff with rheumatism and broken with childbearing and with doing men's work. "Sixty-three pounds!" the overseer said with a threatening tone. "Min' yer git a heap higher'n that ter-morrer, yer yaller raskel!

I know the breed; there's honor among gentlemen that knocks the honor of thieves higher'n a kite, the old saw to the contrary nothing doing.... You understand me, I'm sure, Mulready?" he concluded with envenomed sweetness. "I don't see yet how Kirkwood got anything to do with Dorothy." "Miss Calendar to you, Mister Mulready!" snapped Calendar. "There, there, now!

And ever sence I've been sartin as I'm alive that the feller I marry will be of a rank higher'n mine and dark complected and good-lookin' and distinguished, and that he'll be name of Butler. "'Butler? says I. 'What will he be named Butler for? "''Cause the Seer critter said so. He said he could see the word Butler printed out over the top of my head in flamin' letters.

Jaune's palette and brushes fell to the floor with a crash. "Is it posseeble that you do tell me of the Comte Siccatif de Courtray? Are you then sure that you do not make one grand meestake? Is it 'im truly that you 'ave seen?" "Him, sir? Why, in course it's him. Haven't I knowed him ever since he wasn't higher'n a hoss's fetlock? Don't I tell you as me and him's fust cousins? Him?

"As to what you can do to me, you've run that bluff till it's slick on the track. And I've know'd it just as long as you have, anyhow. Here's my particular stunt with you. I had business East in '96, time of the big May flood, and I run down to Cloverdale, Ohio, for a day. The waters was up higher'n they'd been know'd for some years."

"If I was to be goin' up higher'n a kite every time, fur instance, that the seaweed ketches round the propeller of my motor-boat, I'd be in mid-air most of the time." Willie raised his head with the alertness of a hunter on the scent. "Seaweed?" he repeated vaguely. Zenas Henry nodded. "Ain't there no scheme fur doin' away with a nuisance like that?"

There was one time there when there was only Sandy MacFarlane and mysel' left out o' the whole company, and for two or three hours we lay behind a wee bank, no higher'n your knee, fighting them off. Lord how we plugged them! They died like flies!

"By gitting up amongst some rocks that was higher'n the average." "How did you manage to live what did you have to eat?" "We didn't eat much we didn't hev much time to think o' eatin'. We had one hoss with us, and he served, when his time come.

"There wouldn't be any pleasure in it, now," said Chick-chick. "Hold your offer till we get t' camp if ye want t' please me. What I say is let's put all lights out and everybody go to sleep." "Suppose the water comes up on us," objected Matt. "It won't. It can't rise much higher'n the creek level an' we're way above it now. Let's go to sleep." "I can't," Matt still objected. "What's matter?

"Miss Lucretia Penniman done it." "Miss Lucretia Penniman!" Cynthia began to think his rheumatism was driving him out of his mind. "You bet. 'Long toward the openin' of the engagement there wahn't scarcely anybody thar but me, and they was a-goin'. But they come fast enough when they l'arned she was in town, and she blew 'em up higher'n the Petersburg crater. Great Tecumseh, there's a woman!