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Sister Gowdy is a good-hearted woman, and we all on us honored her for this act of hern, though we felt it wuz almost too much for her to do it. Wall, Sister Gowdy wuz the last one to gin in her testimony, and havin' got through relatin' our experiences we proceeded to business and paperin'.

"The Count von Hern," he confessed, "has been a good friend to me. The rulers of his country have always been hospitable and favorably inclined towards my family. The whole affair is of his design. I myself could scarcely have moved in it alone. One must reward one's helpers. There is no reason, however," he added, with a meaning glance at Peter, "why other helpers should not be admitted."

"Michael, cartwright, at corner." "Is it a good match?" "He's got his match, and she's got hern." "They are well matched, then," said Bertha, laughing. "They're a pair," said Dan, grimly. "He's eagre, and she's mustard; and they'll none mix ill but they'll set folks' throats a-fire as meddles wi' 'em." Eagre is the old English word for vinegar, which is just "wine-eagre."

"I, on the other hand," Sogrange put in, "demand the arrest of the Count von Hern and the seizure of all papers in this house. I am the bearer of an autograph letter from the President of France in connection with this matter. The Count von Hern has committed extraditable offences against my country. I am prepared to swear an information to that effect." The police commissioner turned to Peter.

And Reuben Henzy's wife sent 'em the money to buy 'em a set of chairs and a extension table; and a rich uncle of hisen sent him the money for a ingrain carpet; and a rich uncle of hern in the Ohio sent her the money for a bedroom set, thirty-two dollars, with the request that it should be light oak, with black-walnut trimmin's.

"I wish I had been in the club when they started," he said, gloomily. "My task is all the more difficult now." The Baron de Grost looked pensively, for a moment, at the cigarette which he was carrying. "By the bye, Mr. Courtledge," he asked, with apparent irrelevance, "what was the name of the tall man with whom you were talking just now?" "Count von Hern.

"I tell you," he stormed to a very blue Lake Michigan he was putting into a frame, "it's hers it's hern and anybody that comes along here with any nonsense is just going to hear from me!" In the days which followed he often thought to go out and speak to her, but perhaps the old man had a restraining sense of values.

But Edny Ann went on calling: "O Als'on! O Als'on! come yere!" Little Lizay pleaded in a frantic way for silence as she saw Alston coming with long strides up between the cotton-rows toward them. "I wants yer ter ten' ter Lizay," said Edny Ann. "Her's been stealin' yer cotton: see'd 'er do it see'd 'er take a heap er cotton outen yer baskit an' ram it into hern. Did so!"

That fust shout war from the Injun Cheeko; and the t'other air hern my gurl's. Durnation! if they hurt but a he'r o' her head Wagh! what's the use o' my threetenin'?" As if seeing his impotence, the hunter suddenly ceases speech, again setting himself to listen. Hamersley, without heeding him, is already in this attitude. And now out of the valley arise other sounds, not all of them loud.

"Rot him!" growled the man Job, a beastly-seeming fellow, very slovenly and foul of person, who glared down at me out of one eye, the other being so bruised and swollen as to serve him no whit. "He should be overside wi' his guts full o' shot for this same heye of mine if 'twas my say " "But then it ain't your say, Job, nor yet Belvedere's 'tis hern, Job hern Cap'n Jo's.