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"She won't hurt you never harms anybody;" says Mr. Fitzgerald, methodically, observing Brother Spyke's timidity. "No, no, no," she mutters incoherently, "you are not of this place you know, like the rich world up-town, little of these revelling devils. Cling! yes, cling to the wise one tell him to keep you from this, and forever be your teacher. Tell him! tell him! oh! tell him!"

I knew you would fall in love with her. For a week or two, that does not matter it harms no one. But I never thought of the chance of her being led into such a thing, for what is a mere passing amusement to you would be a very serious thing to her." "Well?" "Well? Is not that enough? Do you think it fair to take advantage of this girl's ignorance of the world?"

If Wealth come, beware of him, the smooth false friend: there is treachery in his proffered hand, his tongue is eloquent to tempt, lust of many harms is lurking in his eye, he hath a hollow heart; use him cautiously.

Why, last week there was a bruise on her arm as big " "What can we prove? He has a legal right to punish her. If we got them up in court, he'd frighten her into swearing she hurt her arm on a fence picket and that he never harms her. No, there's no sort of cure for the rotten state of affairs." But the Master was mistaken. There was a very good cure indeed for it.

Then they hastened to add: "Then keep quiet, at least; if no one harms you, do not seek to harm." Alas! they were content with that. But youth was not content.

"That is what bad men think," said Dismas. "There are no bad men," exclaimed Barabbas, "and no good men either. Friend, look at the lamb, he harms no one; he would rather be torn to pieces by the lion than tear the lion to pieces himself. Is he good, therefore? No, only weak. And the lion who kills and eats the lamb? Is he bad, therefore? No, only strong.

If Wealth come, beware of him, the smooth false friend: there is treachery in his proffered hand, his tongue is eloquent to tempt, lust of many harms is lurking in his eye, he hath a hollow heart; use him cautiously.

"Don Ricardo has his enemies, but he is a good-hearted old man." "Yes," Dave agreed. Then more gravely: "I'm sorry I let him go across the river." There was a pause. "If anybody harms him I reckon I'll have a feud on my hands, for I'm a grateful person." "I believe it. I can see that you are loyal." "I was starved on sentiment when I was little, but it's in me bigger than a skinned ox.

Doctors in the old days wrote their prescriptions illegibly, because when called late at night they were usually drunk. To-day a drunken doctor cannot possibly survive. Work as hard as you can against drunkenness, for drunkenness harms every one, even the saloon-keeper himself. The drunkard soon comes to ruin and ceases to be a profitable customer.

Then by there came riding a bold youthful knight, Who asked, 'So strange on me gaze thine eyes bright? 'I long sore for love! Then he laughed, 'Foolish maiden, wilt come to my arms, There can'st thou rest sweetly, free from all harms, And there find'st thou love. "'Dear heart, dost thou know how forsaken I dwell?