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Lady Audley received her nephew's attentions in that graceful half-childish fashion which her admirers found so charming; but Alicia was indignant at the change in her cousin's conduct.

Emmanuel and Marguerite with intuitive delicacy of feeling repressed the sweet half-childish play of love, lest it should hurt the saddened woman whose wounds they instinctively divined.

Joyce noticed this, and leaned back, folding her hands in her lap. Drew saw that her hands were white and smooth. Then she gathered her heavy, red cloak around her, and hid those silent marks of her new refinement. "They call me" the old, half-childish smile came to the face looking full at Drew "the worst woman in town. At least, they call me that when they think I won't hear.

"But why shouldn't clever people go and work in shops?" persisted May, in her half-childish way "not that I mean I am clever; that would be too conceited. But I am sure it would be a great deal better for shops if they had the very cleverest people to work in them." "It depends on the kind of cleverness," he told her.

In days gone by the social position of musicians in Germany, as in France and England, was far from good. Musicians remained peculiar half-wild, half-childish beings, and were treated as such by their employers. It was taken for granted that the mental organisation of professional musicians was such as to render them insusceptible to the influence of culture.

With a half-childish smile on his pale face, he wondered what such a man as Taquisara would do, if he were so placed, and the Sicilian's manly face and bold eyes rose up contemptuously before him. To such a depth as Bosio had already reached, Taquisara could never have fallen. Bosio's instinct told him that.

She had half a mind to try. But the grave look of the man beside her deterred even her young half-childish audacity. 'Catherine will have a good day for all her business, she said carelessly. He assented quietly. Oh, after that hand-shake on the bridge yesterday she could not stand it, she must give him a hint how the land lay. 'I suppose she will spend the afternoon with Aunt Ellen. Mr.

He was conscious for the first time in his life that he possessed a heart, for the thing thumped and kicked violently under his blue guernsey, and he looked down at his broad chest with an odd expression of half-childish curiosity, fully expecting to see an outward and visible motion corresponding with the inward hammering. But he saw nothing.

They were such searching eyes, as though she had stood on the brink scanning the very Infinite, and yet with a certain baffled look in them as of one who had gazed far out, but failed to pierce the gloom a beaten, longing look. But a careless observer might have dwelt longer on the affectionate expression about her lips a half-childish, half-womanly tenderness.

She turned, so that he saw the cluster of soft curls that fell upon her shoulder, with sprigs of bakneesh half smothered in them. "Do I?" "You are prettier than I have ever seen you, Melisse," he replied softly. There was a seriousness in his voice that made her come to him in her old impulsive, half-childish way.